Can a try catch block be placed within a finally block?


Can a try catch block be placed within a finally block?

Can a try catch block be placed within a finally block?

5 Answers. Yes, you can do this.

Does finally block always follow try catch block?

Java finally block is a block used to execute important code such as closing the connection, etc. Java finally block is always executed whether an exception is handled or not. The finally block follows the try-catch block. ...

Can finally block have try catch C#?

The finally block follows try/catch block.

  • Syntax: try { // code... } // this is optional catch { // code.. } ...
  • Important Points:
  • Example 1:
  • Output: ...
  • Example 2: Using finally block with Handled Exception.
  • Output: ...
  • Example 3:Using finally block with Unhandled Exception.
  • Output:

Can there be multiple finally blocks followed by try catch block?

You cannot have multiple try blocks with a single catch block. Each try block must be followed by catch or finally.

Does finally run after catch?

The finally -block will always execute after the try -block and catch -block(s) have finished executing. It always executes, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or caught.

How many finally blocks can a try block have?

The previous statements demonstrate three catch blocks, but you can have any number of them after a single try. If an exception occurs in the protected code, the exception is thrown to the first catch block in the list.

When finally block will not be executed?

A finally block will not execute due to other conditions like when JVM runs out of memory when our java process is killed forcefully from task manager or console when our machine shuts down due to power failure and deadlock condition in our try block.

Can finally block throw exception?

An exception thrown in a finally block has nothing special, treat it as the exception throw by code B. The exception propagates up, and should be handled at a higher level. If the exception is not handled at the higher level, the application crashes.

Does try finally throw exception?

2 Answers. Yes, it absolutely will. Assuming your finally block doesn't throw an exception, of course, in which case that will effectively "replace" the one that was originally thrown.

Does finally run after return C#?

4 Answers. Under normal conditions, code in a finally block will be executed regardless of what happens inside the try or catch blocks. It doesn't matter if you return from the method or not. ... For example if the code in the finally block throws an exception, then it will stop executing like any other block of code.

Can a try block be followed by a catch block?

Try block MUST be followed either by a catch or a finally block or both. And if there is no catch block, then the finally method should declare the exception though it has try/finally. You cannot have a catch or finally without a try block. If you don’t want to handle an exception in your code, then declare them with a throws clause.

Do you declare an exception if there is no try block?

Try block MUST be followed either by a catch or a finally block or both. And if there is no catch block, then the finally method should declare the exception though it has try/finally. You cannot have a catch or finally without a try block.

Do you need a catch and a finally block in Java?

You don't need both a catch and a finally block. You can have one of them or both of them with a try-block, but not none of them. This code doesn't catch the exception but lets it propagate up the call stack. Due to the finally block the code still closes the filer reader even if an exception is thrown.

When does a try statement contain a finally block?

If a Try statement does not contain at least one Catch block, it must contain a Finally block. If you do not have to catch specific exceptions, the Using statement behaves like a Try…Finally block, and guarantees disposal of the resources, regardless of how you exit the block. This is true even with an unhandled exception.

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