Can finally block include return statement?


Can finally block include return statement?

Can finally block include return statement?

Yes you can write the return statement in a finally block and it will override the other return value. The output is always 2, as we are returning 2 from the finally block.

What happens when a finally block has a return statement?

Yes, the finally block will be executed even after a return statement in a method. The finally block will always execute even an exception occurred or not in Java. If we call the System. exit() method explicitly in the finally block then only it will not be executed.

Can finally block have return statement in C#?

In C#, multiple finally blocks in the same program are not allowed. The finally block does not contain any return, continue, break statements because it does not allow controls to leave the finally block.

Can try catch have return statement?

2) If finally block does not return a value then both try and catch blocks must return a value. If try-catch-finally blocks are returning a value according to above rules, then you should not keep any statements after finally block. Because they become unreachable and in Java, Unreachable code gives compile time error.

In which case finally block will not be executed?

A finally block will not execute due to other conditions like when JVM runs out of memory when our java process is killed forcefully from task manager or console when our machine shuts down due to power failure and deadlock condition in our try block.

Can not leave the body of a finally clause?

Basically, when you have a finally clause in C#, the C# specification states that every statement within the finally clause must execute. Because of this, it is not possible to use a return statement within a finally clause. You cannot leave a finally block with a return or a goto.

Will finally run after catch?

The finally block on a try / catch / finally will always run — even if you bail early with an exception or a return . This is what makes it so useful; it's the perfect place to put code that needs to run regardless of what happens, like cleanup code for error-prone IO.

Why finally block is always executed?

The finally block always executes when the try block exits. This ensures that the finally block is executed even if an unexpected exception occurs. ... Likewise, if the thread executing the try or catch code is interrupted or killed, the finally block may not execute even though the application as a whole continues.

Is finally executed if return in try?

Yes, it will. No matter what happens in your try or catch block unless otherwise System. exit() called or JVM crashed. if there is any return statement in the block(s),finally will be executed prior to that return statement.

Is finally block always executed?

A finally block always executes, regardless of whether an exception is thrown. The following code example uses a try / catch block to catch an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

What happens if there is no return statement in finally block?

If no return statement in Finally block, then the statements in finally block are executed and then either try or catch block return statements (where the control was last before entering the finally block) is executed. (see example 2). 1. Example on return statement in try catch and finally block

How does the return statement work in Java?

If you have a try catch finally block in java, the return statement behaves differently. 1. If I have a return in try then will finally block get called? 2. What if a exception occurs? 3. What if catch and finally both have return statements? which return will get executed?

How does the finally statement affect the return value?

The finally statement is executed, but the return value isn't affected. The execution order is: This prints "try" (because that's what's returned) and then "finally" because that's the new value of x.

What happens at the end of the finally statement?

The finally statement is executed, but the return value isn't affected. The execution order is: Code before return statement is executed. Expression in return statement is evaluated.

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