Who wins Kisame or might guy?


Who wins Kisame or might guy?

Who wins Kisame or might guy?

1 Winner: Might Guy Defeated Kisame By Opening The Seventh Gate.

Did might guy really forget Kisame?

The third time Kisame implied he didn't remember him but Guy never did confirm it and in fact said his full name by the end of the fight. If he really didn't remember him it might be because whenever he saw him there were factors that confused him: first he was fused with Samehada.

How did Kisame lose to guy?

Realising that he would rather die in order to protect the Akatsuki, Kisame summons three sharks and commits suicide by allowing the sharks to devour him. Naruto and Yamato are shocked, while Killer B confirms via Samehada that it is not a trick and that Kisame has actually died.

Who will defeat Kisame?

The epic battle between Guy and Kisame ends with Kisame being defeated. Aoba then going into Kisame's mind using the Mind Reading technique as he places his hand on top of Kisame's head. Kisame bites his tongue to wake himself up to prevent Aoba from extraction intel.

Can guy beat Kakashi?

In fact, Kakashi admits that Guy is stronger in some ways. ... The goal of beating Kakashi makes Guy a more powerful ninja. He builds his tactics around defeating Kakashi, and his taijutsu is better. Kakashi is not a taijutsu scrub, but Guy is one of the best.

Who is stronger Kisame or Itachi?

Even among the Akatsuki, nobody knew the true strength that Itachi possessed. His fighting prowess was phenomenal, and while Kisame was physically stronger, Itachi's Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi meant that it wouldn't take him long to subdue the former Kirigakure ninja.

Why might guy cant remember Kisame?

Also, Guy probably didn't remember, because after all it was just one kick. After that, he just looked at their feet in order to avoid Itachi's genjutsu. Plus, Guy doesn't seem like the person to have the sharpest memory in the world.

Why does Kisame look like a shark?

Nature Transformation. Kisame using his water clones in conjunction with the Water Prison Technique. ... He was also proficient with Earth Release, using it to travel under the earth, with the tip of his sword, Samehada, jutting out making him look like a shark swimming towards his prey.

How did Rock Lee beat Kisame in Naruto?

Rock Lee, by the end of the series, is known to have been a master of the Seventh Gate, which is the same technique that Guy used to beat Kisame. For Rock Lee, beating him should be just as easy. Naruto started his ninja journey as a boy without much talent, however, through sheer hardwork and with help, he rose to the pinnacle of strength.

How can Konan defeat Kisame in Naruto?

Like Konan, it is palpably weakened when exposed to water and would be virtually useless when placed under Kisame's dome. Moreover, since he cannot use his grains to accelerate him to safety, he would be forced to rely on his unimpressive physical skills to navigate out of harm's way.

Who is Kisame from the village hidden in the mist?

Kisame was a feared member of the Akatsuki and former shinobi of the village hidden in the mist. He is as deserving of his fierce reputation as his monstrous appearance suggests, easily capable of contending with the likes of Killer Bee, Might Guy, and other ninja legends who are similarly difficult to defeat.

Is the character Kisame immune to ninjutsu attacks?

It is important to distinguish that while Kisame may be skilled against chakra users (on account of Samehada's insatiable appetite), he himself is not immune to ninjutsu-based attacks. This would make him an ample victim of the wrath of Minato's Rasengan.

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