Who is the bad guy in Morbius?


Who is the bad guy in Morbius?

Who is the bad guy in Morbius?

Loxias Crown Matt Smith joins him in Morbius, playing Loxias Crown – the film's villain and Morbius' best friend who suffers from the same blood disease.

How did Morbius turn into a Living Vampire?

Spider-Man came to his rescue but when he freed Morbius he attacked Crown. As they grappled the island began to explode. In the resulting explosion, Morbius drained his blood. This lead to him becoming a living vampire like Morbius.

What did Morbius do to get his powers?

Morbius wasn’t always a vampire. Like so many other Marvel heroes and villains, he started out as a harmless scientist who experimented on himself and – you guessed it – gave himself superpowers.

What kind of character is Morbius in comics?

Morbius isn’t some brooding Twilight-esque bloodsucker, though. This morally complex character has a rich comic history, unique superpowers, his own rogues' gallery, and run-ins with Marvel’s famous webslinger. If you're not up to date with Morbius' comic-book history, then fear not as we're here to help.

How did Morbius turn his blade into Switchblade?

In the fight, Morbius drained the life out of Fang, a lilin that tainted Morbius's blood with demon blood. One night while as his other Alias Morgan Michaels, Morbius received a call from Frank Drake telling his how Blade turned into Switchblade and how he might be after him.

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