Who is the most powerful opponent of Goku?

Who is the most powerful opponent of Goku?
Jiren is one of the strongest opponents that Goku has ever faced. The Pride Trooper from Universe 11 pulled out all the stops when it came to battling Goku. This fight allowed Goku to master the Ultra Instinct form, which granted him enhanced abilities. It allowed him to go toe-to-toe with Jiren in battle.
Can Goku beat evil Saiyan?
In the fifth episode of the special series, Goku is blatantly and completely defeated by the Evil Saiyan Cumber, further proving that Goku can indeed lose at any point in the franchise. In the fifth episode of the series, Goku and Vegeta are still struggling against Cumber's continually rising power.
Who are the characters that Goku can't beat?
This one depends on the right circumstances, but if done right, Goku is no match for this student's Quirk. Hitoshi Shinso, from UA High School's Class 1-C, has a Brainwashing Quirk. This Quirk allows him to exert control over anyone who verbally responds to him. Goku is just dumb enough to respond.
Can you beat Hitoshi Shinso in a fight?
Shinso's quirk might seem unbeatable, but he still has his weaknesses. These are some heroes he can and can't beat in a fight. Hitoshi Shinso admittedly did not get one of the best introductions into My Hero Academia. His quirk, while powerful, was automatically put into a darker light thanks to his actions.
Is it true that Goku always wins Dragon Ball Z?
Many Dragon Ball fans have this misconception that Goku always wins and that Goku always saves the day. While this may very well be true for the original Dragon Ball Z movies (most of them anyway) it’s far from the case when it comes to the original manga and modern Dragon Ball. Goku wins a lot, but he doesn’t win all the time.
Is it possible to one shot Goku in anime?
After starting off as a wee baby with a power level in the one digits, the Goku we know today trains with the gods of his universe. Considering how strong he's become, it's hard to imagine Goku getting one-shotted by anyone; but believe us, all it would take is a bored anime character looking to have a little fun with him.