Can Hulk be immortal?

Can Hulk be immortal?
Marvel Comics has confirmed that their new series IMMORTAL HULK isn't a recon - Hulk has been immortal since since the very beginning. In resurrecting Bruce Banner, Marvel Comics revealed the the original Hulk is immortal.
Who kills Hulk?
Too bad for Hulk, he didn't really think through the implications of his meal, because not too after later, Logan ended up slicing his way out of the Hulk from the inside, thus killing him for good.
Can immortal Hulk die?
Despite popular opinion, the Hulk can indeed die. He is not immortal, just highly invulnerable and his death is certainly possible, although very difficult to actually do. Marvel Comics is a comic book publishing company founded in 1939 under the name Timely Comics.
Is Immortal Hulk a bad guy?
The Immortal Hulk has become the most sinister and vengeful villain stomping their way through the Marvel Universe.
Is there a Purple Hulk?
Other than Devil Hulk, Purple Hulk is one of the Hulk's scariest incarnations. Appearing in Peter David and Dale Keown's Incredible Hulk #371, the Purple Hulk is the result of Hulk's possession at the hangs of Shanzar, Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension.
Is Captain America immortal?
Captain America isn't immortal. Presumably, he does age normally, despite the Super Soldier serum, which keeps him in peak physical condition.