Can Juggernaut defeat Thor?

Can Juggernaut defeat Thor?
Juggernaut is physically stronger than Thor. However, the strength difference isn't great enough to give Cain the clear edge or a guaranteed win. This is not like that goofy story where Spiderman actually defeated Juggernaut.
Can colossus beat Thor?
Over 12 issues, Thor is defeated multiple times by the five new Phoenix hosts: Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, Namor, and Magik. At one point, Colossus is even able to smash Mjolnir away from Thor's hands, proving Phoenix is a strong force not to be messed with.
What is Juggernaut weakness?
The character is vulnerable to mental attacks, a weakness that has been exploited via the removal of his helmet, which normally protects him from such. The Juggernaut has circumvented this weakness on occasion by wearing a metal skullcap inside his main helmet.
How did Thor stop the Unstoppable Juggernaut?
We see how powerful Juggernaut's mystical force field is, withstanding every blow from Mjolnir, so what does Thor do? He looks for a weakness and sends Mjolnir circling the castle they're in, effectively disabling Juggernaut's force field by blocking his access to the energies.
Where does Juggernaut take place in the unstoppable?
After taking over an empire on a mysterious planet, Juggernaut is targeted by The Mighty Thor, summoned by Prince Zalaski from whom the empire was stolen.
What makes Juggernaut different from other superheroes?
What sets him apart from other characters is the fact that he's incredibly durable (virtually invincible with his mystical force field), insanely strong, doesn't need to eat, sleep or even breathe and once he gets moving, no force can stop him...well, almost.
How long do you have to beat Juggernaut?
So Juggernaut is running a gauntlet at Miami Dolphins stadium. Only one rule. You have to stay on the field. No flying. He has 5 hrs to defeat each person.