Can 2 plural words be used together?
- Can 2 plural words be used together?
- What is double plural give an example?
- How do you pluralize multiple words?
- What is the plural of silo?
- What are the plural words?
- Can you say 2 Fishes?
- How do you use two possessives?
- What does adding an apostrophe do?
- What is the plural of man servant?
- What is the plural of patio?
- When do you use two plural words in a sentence?
- Can a noun be in both singular and plural form?
- Can a compound noun be more than one word?
- Which is the most plural word in the English language?

Can 2 plural words be used together?
You can use two plurals in a sentence and more if necessary. When using more than two plurals in a sentence, you just need to make sure that you follow the rules, using plurals in agreement with nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
What is double plural give an example?
A double plural is the plural form of a noun with an additional plural ending (usually -s) attached; for example, candelabras (singular, candelabrum; plural, candelabra) or sixpences (singular, penny; plural, pence).
How do you pluralize multiple words?
The General Rule Usually you pluralize a compound noun or a noun phrase the same way you pluralize a noun: you add the plural prefix –s or –es to thenoun (irregular nouns notwithstanding).
What is the plural of silo?
si·lo | \ ˈsī-lō \ plural silos.
What are the plural words?
A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there's one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).
Can you say 2 Fishes?
The most common plural form of fish is indeed fish. However, under certain circumstances, you can use fishes as the plural form of fish. ... Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. Fishes, however, usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts.
How do you use two possessives?
If two people possess the same item, put the apostrophe + s after the second name only. Example: Cesar and Maribel's home is constructed of redwood. However, if one of the joint owners is written as a pronoun, use the possessive form for both.
What does adding an apostrophe do?
The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns; 2) to show the omission of letters; and 3) to indicate plurals of letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use apostrophes to form possessive pronouns (i.e. his/her computer) or noun plurals that are not possessives.
What is the plural of man servant?
noun. man·ser·vant | \ ˈman-ˌsər-vənt \ plural menservants\ ˈmen-ˌsər-vən(t)s \
What is the plural of patio?
noun. pa·tio | \ ˈpa-tē-ˌō also ˈpä- \ plural patios.
When do you use two plural words in a sentence?
A noun adjunct is when you use two plural nouns next to one another. The rule here is that the first noun stays singular while the second noun becomes plural. This is because the first noun is modifying the second noun.
Can a noun be in both singular and plural form?
A noun is a word that alludes to a person, place, thing, or event. Most importantly, nouns can be in both singular form and plural form. You can identify a regular noun by remembering the two basic rules.
Can a compound noun be more than one word?
A compound noun refers to two nouns used together to form one single noun. From the above examples, you can see that compound nouns don’t always use hyphens and sometimes appear as one word or two separate words. The rule with plurals and compound nouns is that the primary nouns always get the plural.
Which is the most plural word in the English language?
Nouns are the most frequently pluralized parts of speech in the English language. This is because nouns are the largest word class in the whole English language. A noun is a word that alludes to a person, place, thing, or event. Most importantly, nouns can be in both singular form and plural form.