Is 47 Meters Down bad?


Is 47 Meters Down bad?

Is 47 Meters Down bad?

The harsher 47 Meters Down: Uncaged reviews highlight all the issues the movie has - lack of creativity, boring thrills, and characters devoid of any personality - but while the more positive reviews don't discount any of that, they note that this movie is almost designed to be bad yet enjoyable.

Can you go down 47 meters in the ocean?

The Easy Explanation: Nitrogen Narcosis Nitrogen or gas narcosis can happen at 47 meters down. It is actually quite common at depths beyond 30 meters, and can be more severe at greater depths. This is why most diving agencies will have a recommend recreational depth limit of 40 meters.

How far is 47 Meters Down underwater?

60 minutes at 47 metres would take several hours to surface safely with long decompression stops. Diving to 47 metres is 7 metres beyond the PADI recreational diver limit of 40 metres. Scuba diving to 47 metres (154 feet, 51.4 yards) is considered a deep dive.

Is the shallows appropriate for an 11 year old?

The Shallows is both terrifying and entertaining, but it's not for young kids or anyone afraid of the water or blood.

How far underwater can humans go?

That means that most people can dive up to a maximum of 60 feet safely. For most swimmers, a depth of 20 feet (6.09 metres) is the most they will free dive. Experienced divers can safely dive to a depth of 40 feet (12.19 metres) when exploring underwater reefs.

Can a scuba diver survive at 47 meters?

Scuba divers can survive 47 metres underwater, but unless you restrict your dive time to 9 minutes your dive will turn into a no-stop decompression dive meaning you must stop to decompress on your ascent. 60 minutes at 47 metres would take several hours to surface safely with long decompression stops.

Can You Survive 47 meters in feet and inches?

The simple answer to the question of 'Can you survive 47 meters underwater' is yes of course you can. 47 metres in feet is 154 feet, or 47 metres in yards is 51.4 yards. But however you look at 47 metres down, this is a deep dive.

How long does it take to walk 47 meters underwater?

How far is 47 metres underwater? 47 metres underwater is 154 feet or 51.4 yards and the equivalent of 0.0292044 miles. It would take you 42 seconds to walk this far walking at 2.5 miles per hour. But how far is 47 metres underwater when compared to everyday items?

How deep underwater can a human really travel?

Put on your helmet and fill up your oxygen tank. We're going for a dive. Exactly how deep can a human being travel underwater using current technology? The deepest point ever reached by man is 35,858 feet below the surface of the ocean, which happens to be as deep as water gets on earth.

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