Quem é que faz Kamehameha?

Quem é que faz Kamehameha?
Goku usando o Kamehameha enquanto treina na Sala do Tempo O Kamehameha foi inventado por Mestre Kame praticando por cinquenta anos antes de Dragon Ball. Chamando sua energia latente nas palmas de suas mãos, Kame consegue lançar um raio explosivo de energia.
Quantos anos tem o Bills?
E se Bills tem mais de 200 milhões de anos de idade, Whis é ainda mais velho com Milhões de anos de idade.
Quantos anos tem a Bulma?
Bulma foi a primeira companheira de aventuras de Goku. Nascida em 733, ela tem 47 anos no atual momento do anime.
What kind of Kamehameha does trunks use in GT?
Trunks has never fired a Kamehameha in any of the canon versions of the series. He does use the attack in GT and also in the case of the movie as you stated. Essentially, the attacks used by the Hybrid Saiyans are generally based on the attacks used by their respective fathers.
Who is the only person who can use the Kamehameha?
Despite Vegeta not being able to utilize the Kamehameha, Trunks (excluding his future counterpart) has demonstrated full mastery over the technique. This most likely comes from his close friendship with Goten, who probably taught him the move one day when the two were sparring.
When did trunks use the Kamehameha in Dragon Ball Z?
Needless to say, fans worldwide were shocked when Trunks debuted the attack in the Dragon Ball Z film Bio-Broly, a movie that, unlike Trunks' use of the Kamehameha, many fans argue was a complete mistake.
How did Goku learn to use the Kamehameha?
Goku first learned the Kamehameha after watching Master Roshi utilize the technique to extinguish the flames of Fire Mountain. Without any formal instruction at all, the young Saiyan was able to fire a Kamehameha that was strong enough to cripple a small car.