How do I drop a table with dependencies?


How do I drop a table with dependencies?

How do I drop a table with dependencies?

Deleting Tables with dependencies in SQL Server....

  1. Select the tables you want to DROP.
  2. Select "Save to new query window".
  3. Click on the Advanced button.
  4. Set Script DROP and CREATE to Script DROP.
  5. Set Script Foreign Keys to True.

Does drop table drop views?

DROP TABLE always removes any indexes, rules, triggers, and constraints that exist for the target table. ... (CASCADE will remove a dependent view entirely, but in the foreign-key case it will only remove the foreign-key constraint, not the other table entirely.)

What happens if you drop a table on which a view exists?

If a table is dropped and there are associated views, stored procedures or functions that were created without schema binding, then stored procedures, functions, and views will still exist but will no longer work.

What is the condition of dropping a table?

Dropping a table invalidates dependent objects and removes object privileges on the table. If you want to re-create the table, then you must regrant object privileges on the table, re-create the indexes, integrity constraints, and triggers for the table, and respecify its storage parameters.

Can we drop a table or column which has PRIMARY KEY?

We can remove PRIMARY KEY constraint from a column of an existing table by using DROP keyword along with ALTER TABLE statement.

What command is used to delete the data from the table without deleting the table structure?

TRUNCATE Command is a Data Definition Language operation. It is used to remove all the records from a table. It deletes all the records from an existing table but not the table itself. The structure or schema of the table is preserved.

Can we insert and delete rows into a view?

If the view contains joins between multiple tables, you can only insert and update one table in the view, and you can't delete rows. You can't directly modify data in views based on union queries. ... Text and image columns can't be modified through views.

What will happen when the following statement is executed DROP TABLE table name?

It completely removes the table structure and associated indexes, statistics, permissions, triggers and constraints. You might have SQL Views and Stored procedures referencing to the SQL table. SQL Server does not remove these stored procedures and views.

How do you drop a table only if it exists?


  1. First, specify the name of the table to be removed.
  2. Second, specify the name of the database in which the table was created and the name of the schema to which the table belongs. The database name is optional. ...
  3. Third, use IF EXISTS clause to remove the table only if it exists.

Can we drop a table or column which has primary key?

We can remove PRIMARY KEY constraint from a column of an existing table by using DROP keyword along with ALTER TABLE statement.

How to view the dependencies of a table?

Right-click a table, and then click View Dependencies. In the Object Dependencies dialog box, select either Objects that depend on , or Objects on which depends.

How to automatically drop objects from a table?

Clause that indicates to automatically drop objects that depend on the table, such as views. To create a view that isn't dependent on a table referenced by the view, include the WITH NO SCHEMA BINDING clause in the view definition. For more information, see CREATE VIEW .

What happens when you drop a table in a database?

There are two parameters at the end of the statement: CASCADE: Automatically drop objects that depend on the table (such as views) and then all objects that depend on those objects. RESTRICT: Refuse to drop the table if any objects depend on it. This is the default. What Happens When You Drop a Table in a Database?

When does a drop table also drop the constraints?

It's different when other objects reference the table. There is another table, P23. It is referenced by a foreign key and used in a view. SQL> create table c23 (id number, p_id number); Table created. SQL> alter table c23 add foreign key (p_id) references p23; Table altered. SQL> create view v23 as select * from p23; View created. SQL>

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