Is prefer than correct?


Is prefer than correct?

Is prefer than correct?

Correct: I prefer dancing to singing. While prefer is followed by to in most cases, there is an exception. When prefer is followed by a to-infinitive, rather than is used....prefer to, prefer rather than, prefer more than.
Incorrect:I prefer to read more than to listen.
Correct:I prefer reading to listening.

How do you use rather than prefer?

Prefer and would rather can be used interchangeably. As you indicate, Omar, when we are talking about general preferences, prefer is followed by verb-ing, thus: I prefer listening to music to watching TV. I'd rather listen to music than watch TV.

How do you use if you prefer?

"If you prefer" implies "I don't know whether you prefer" (which I think fits the situation of the dialog), but "If you preferred" implies "I know you don't prefer; in the counterfactual (hypothetical) situation where you did prefer, I would offer..."

Where do you use prefer in a sentence?

We use would prefer or 'd prefer, followed by a to-infinitive or a noun, to talk about present and future preferences:

  • I'd prefer to go by myself.
  • Would you prefer a quieter restaurant?
  • She'd prefer not to drive at night.
  • I'd prefer to go skiing this year rather than go on a beach holiday.

How do you use prefer in a sentence?

  1. I prefer coffee in the morning.
  2. Generally, I prefer painting with watercolours.
  3. I prefer tea to coffee.
  4. I prefer savory to sweet.
  5. The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.
  6. I prefer wine to sweets.
  7. I'd prefer it if you didn't.
  8. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.

Would rather would prefer prefer exercises?

Exercise 1

  • 1I prefer brown sugar. than. ...
  • 2I don't want to go out. I'd rather. ...
  • 3I like trekking in the mountains, but I prefer. lying. ...
  • 4I'd rather go in December. that. ...
  • 5I'd rather come with you. than staying. ...
  • 6I prefer travelling by bus. to travelling. ...
  • 7I usually have tea, but today I'd prefer. ...
  • 8I'd prefer to read for a while.

Would rather prefer meaning?

I would rather ('I prefer', 'I would prefer') is used as a modal auxiliary verb. It is followed by the infinitive (without 'to') when its subject is the same as the subject of the next verb. This happens when we talk about what we would prefer to do. I would rather (or I'd rather) stay with you.

How do you answer do you prefer?

How to answer, "Do you prefer working alone or in a group?"

  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. ...
  2. Explain your preference. ...
  3. Use past experiences to support your preference. ...
  4. Refer to the job description in your answer. ...
  5. Discuss your flexibility with both work environments. ...
  6. Example of working independently.

What preposition is used with prefer?

When used to state a preference for one thing over another, the verb prefer is usually followed by the preposition to: prefer one to the other. I prefer the cool crispness of the fall to the sticky humidity of the summer.

What do u prefer meaning?

1 : to promote or advance to a rank or position. 2 : to like better or best prefers sports to reading prefers to watch TV. 3 : to give (a creditor) priority.

When do we use'prefer to'and'prefer than'?

I prefer prefer to to prefer than. While there are sentence constructions you can use to accommodate prefer than, you can use them only if you insert the word rather. I prefer coffee than tea.

Are there different ways to ask about preferences?

There are indeed different ways in English we can ask about preferences. To ask about people’s general tastes or preferences, we often use words like: prefer, would prefer, would rather and like to say we like or give priority one thing or activity more than another.

When do you use prefer to between two nouns?

And as per grammatical usages, we generally use prefer to when we talking about two nouns-I prefer tea to coffee. And for gerunds like I prefer knitting to sewing. We generally use prefer than between two infinitives. For eg- I prefer to sing than dance... – Anu Sukhija Jul 10 '14 at 9:24

When to write rather than when to use them?

RATHER THAN : 1 It would be better to go in September rather than in August. 2 I prefer to leave now rather than wait for all the speeches. 3 He decided to write rather than telephone.

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