Can you cast polymorph on yourself?


Can you cast polymorph on yourself?

Can you cast polymorph on yourself?

You can cast polymorph on yourself, provided you can see yourself.

Can you true polymorph yourself into a dragon?

Yes you can true polymorph into an ancient brass dragon As you say, the spell and rules are clear. An ancient brass dragon is a creature, it is not a shapechanger (and may not matter if they were), and it is of the appropriate CR for your level.

Can you true polymorph a simulacrum into yourself?

RAW: Yes, the Archmage can regain spell slots. It retains its alignment and personality. The simulacrum's statistics are replaced by those of the Archmage it is true polymorphed into.

Can you true polymorph yourself younger?

4 Answers. Yes you can. The spell never makes any specific claims about the age of a creature, only its challenge rating. So you could turn yourself into an elf or similarly long-lived creature which is also a level 20 wizard.

What happens if you cast polymorph on yourself?

You can use Polymorph on yourself, as you are a creature you can see within range. But you cannot turn yourself into a dragon, as you can only turn into Beasts using the spell.

Can true polymorph change class?

Like could a Wizard True Polymorph a Fighter into a Sorcerer? No. Polymorph changes your body, which is unrelated to your class. They would keep whatever class levels they have in their new body.

Can you get stuck in true polymorph?

No, you can't true polymorph into yourself. If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose.

Can true polymorph be permanent?

True Polymorph isn't permanent, as in you cannot ever dispel it or avoid suppressing it, because it remains an active spell with a duration and ending qualifiers.

What happens when you cast polymorph on Yourself?

That has two main effects when you cast it on yourself: You can cancel the spell at any time by not concentrating on it. If you get hit, you'll have to make a concentration check. If you fail, the spell ends.

Can you turn yourself into a creature in polymorph?

You need True Polymorph to turn into any creature. You can cast it on yourself to turn into any beast of CR 10 or less. If you want to expand the list to all creature types, you need the True Polymorph spell. Based on RAW, especially considering the part about levels instead of CR, it definitely appears that you can do it to yourself.

Can you use polymorph on more than just beasts?

Note: The spell True Polymorph allows you to choose from more than just beasts. unlike previous editions, there is no stat requirement for casting spells, though anything with an intelligence 3 or less is "animal intelligence" and can't communicate with words, perform complex actions, or be concerned with stuff beyond basic survival though.

Can You polymorph yourself in raw and Rai?

So between RAW and RAI: you can polymorph yourself, you can keep yourself polymorphed for the duration (unless you drop to 0 hit points or loose concentration due to external forces), you can drop polymorph at any time, and the stats of what you turn into don't stop you from polymorphing.

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