Can you use divine smite and Eldritch smite?


Can you use divine smite and Eldritch smite?

Can you use divine smite and Eldritch smite?

You can certainly expend a Spell Slot to Divine Smite when you hit. So you could do both of those for the same attack. Eldritch Smite is basically the Warlock equivalent, so putting aside the issue of Divine Smite and Eldritch Smite, those previous things a true for it too.

Can you use Eldritch smite with other spell slots?

Eldritch Smite is Warlock slot only Only warlock spell slots from the Pact Magic feature can be expended to use Eldritch Smite; spell slots from the Spellcasting feature do not work with it.

Does Eldritch smite work with booming blade?

Yup, so long as you use your pact weapon you can smite and boom. The only negative is that you lose out on your extra attack if you took the thirsting blade invocation.

Does Eldritch smite crit?

Eldritch Smite caps at 6d8 force damage, or 12d8 on a critical hit. The Eldritch Smite invocation specifically requires a "warlock spell slot", referring to spell slots granted by the Pact Magic feature.

Can Eldritch smite be Counterspelled?

Eldritch Smite works with warlock spell slots only—the ones you get from Pact Magic.

Can you counter spell Eldritch smite?

@JeremyECrawford can you counterspell a counterspell? — The Questionable DM (@QuestionableDM) Ma Counterspell counters the casting of a spell. Counterspell is a spell, so it can be countered.

Can a barbarian smite while raging?

You can smite divinely while enraged. It's rare--and explicitly spelled-out circumstances--where you'd make an attack but end up casting a spell.

Can you smite after a crit?

So you clearly choose to smite after you hit a creature. There's no way of knowing if you hit, but not if you crit unless the DM is rolling all attack rolls.

Does Eldritch smite double on crit?

Eldritch Whale In the event of a crit, the number of all dice associated with damage is doubled. It was also confirmed as RAI by Crawford. That said, if you still don't like it then change it. But be aware it will be a significant nerf to rogues and paladins.

Can Barbarians smite?

No, raging does not prevent you from using Divine Smite.

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