Is deed poll the only way to change your name?


Is deed poll the only way to change your name?

Is deed poll the only way to change your name?

The deed poll (or marriage certificate, for example) doesn't change your name itself — you acquire a new name by using it. There's therefore nothing wrong with documenting your name change in more than one way, if you wish.

Do I need a solicitor to change my name by deed poll?

Do I need a solicitor? If you are changing your name by deed poll, although you can do it yourself, you might find the services of a solicitor useful. ... You might wish to have the deed poll witnessed in front of a solicitor for a small fee which gives you additional security.

Can I use my old name after deed poll?

Yes, you can have any reason you like to change your name (so long as it is not fraudulent). However, a deed poll should be used for changing your name for all purposes.

Is a change of name deed legal?

Changing your name by deed poll Changing your name is a legal matter, which means there isn't an “official” place where you go to register a change of name. ... Anyone can use a deed poll to change their name, but you might be able to use another document that you already have — e.g. your marriage certificate.

Can I revert to my maiden name without deed poll?

Upon being widowed, a woman can revert to her maiden name without the need for a Deed Poll. Her husbands death certificate with her marriage certificate showing her maiden name should be accepted as documentary evidence.

Can I legally use my maiden name?

Brette's Answer: You can use your maiden name at any time you want. To change it on legal documents such as a driver's license, Social Security card, or passports though you need a court order, which usually happens in your divorce decree. What name you use has no impact on bills or settlement.

Can you use a different name without legally changing it UK?

People are free to change their name at any point, and while there is no legal requirement to make an official record, it is advisable to do so in order to be able to provide proof of the change. ... If you were born in Scotland, you can register your change of name with the Registrar General.

Can you travel with your old passport after name change?

US Citizens: United States Citizens who change their name due to marriage, divorce, or because of any other circumstance may travel using your United States passport or other Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative approved document in your prior name provided you bring proof of your name progression such as; a marriage ...

Can I just go back to my maiden name?

Legally you can still be known by your prior name at any time. If you want to revert to your maiden name you should only need to show your marriage and birth certificates which link your current and former names. If your divorce is finalised it's often easier to show your decree absolute and birth certificate.

Can I legally revert to my maiden name?

All you need to revert your ID and bank accounts back to your maiden name after you divorce is your decree absolute and your marriage certificate. Alternatively, you can change your name by deed poll and present this document instead.

Is there a record of a name change?

Generally, there is no official record of name changes via deed poll. However, some people chose to enroll their deed poll which means that a public record will be kept by the Supreme Court of Judicature. So how can you trace a relatives name change with all the different options that people had to change their name throughout history?

Do you have to tell the police when you change your name?

You can change your name by deed poll, but you must tell the police about your change of name. You can change your name by deed poll — having a criminal record does not prevent you in any way. However there are cases where you must tell certain bodies about your change of name:

What should I do if I want to change my name?

If you change your name you should apply for a new travel document by completing form TD112 . Generally, a deed poll issued by us will not help you change your name. However, if you have a specific reason to apply for a deed poll anyway, we are happy to process your application.

Can a solicitor keep a copy of a name change?

Changes of name by deed poll were (and are) made before a solicitor who issues the document to the person changing their name. The solicitor may keep a copy on file, but it is unlikely to be a certified copy, and the file is unlikely to be kept for more than five years.

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