Como resetar antena Ubiquiti Nanobeam m5?

Como resetar antena Ubiquiti Nanobeam m5?
Dúvidas sobre algum produto?
- Botão reset Para restaurar as configurações de fabrica, pressione e segure o botão por mais de 10 segundos enquanto o aparelho já estiver ligado.
- Sinal: No airOS, você pode modificar os valores do limite de força do sinal sem fio para cada LED no manual sob Limites do LED de sinal.
Como recuperar airGrid M5?
por Marcio Marques
- Desligue o rádio da energia.
- Pressione e segure o botão RESET com um clips de papel e ligue o rádio na energia.
- Mantenha o botão de RESET pressionado por 20 segundos ou até os LEDS acenderem.
- Quando os LEDS acenderem o rádio está pronto para receber o firmware através do FTP.
How to do hard reset at Nanostation m2?
If you have problem with NanoStation M2 or PicoStation m2 or other model on this segment there are 2 way to do hard reset to default settings. First way: Connect your device to pc or notebook and enter this ip adress: or other one you set. Enter login and pass (by default ubnt) Choose “SYSTEM” at the menu; Press “Reset to Default“.
How do I Reset my nanostationlocom to factory settings?
To reset to factory defaults, press and hold the Reset button for more than 10 seconds while the device is powered on. Alternatively, the device may be reset remotely via a Reset button located on the bottom of the PoE adapter. * The Main port is labeled LAN on the NanoStationlocoM2/M5.
How big is a nanostationm2 / M365 / M5?
NanoStationM2/M3/M365/M5 Dimensions 294 x 30 x 80 mm (11.57 x 1.18 x 3.15") Weight NSM2/NSM5 0.4 kg (14.11 oz) NSM3/NSM365 0.5 kg (17.64 oz) Gain ...
What to do if you forgot your Nanostation password?
Press “ Reset to Default “. Then just wait. We recommend to do when you forgot your password or cant connect to Nanostation via WEB. To do it please connect it to pc or notebook and turn on. Then you will need to press “Reset” near main lan port and wait 8-15 second. When done you will see all indication lamp will blinking few times.