Como responder elogios inglês?


Como responder elogios inglês?

Como responder elogios inglês?

Thank you

  1. Um jeito simples de agradecer por um elogio sem estender muito a frase é dizer obrigado. ...
  2. You did a great job! ...
  3. Thank you. ...
  4. Dinner was delicious! ...
  5. Oh, thank you. ...
  6. I told Mary you are a brilliant designer. ...
  7. Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. ...
  8. You're one of my best students.

Como responder I love you baby?

I love you, too, baby. Eu te amo também, amor.

What's the best way to reply to Congratulations?

It's good to hear from you. Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging email. I was lucky this time. Thanks for taking the time to drop me your kind note. Thanks everyone for thinking about me. I appreciate it! It was nice to receive such good luck wishes. Thank you so much for your message. I was really surprised (pleased)! Thanks.

What do you say when you get congratulatory email?

Thank you for the congratulations. Thank you so much for recognizing my efforts. It's good to hear from you. Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging email.

What's the best way to say congratulations on your achievement?

Here are 101 congratulations on your achievements messages and sayings for you to use by themselves, or use in a congratulating speech or congratulations letter about achievement. #1 Just like the first person to scale Mount Everest, your achievement is a testament to ambition and perseverance.

Why do people send congratulations messages on the Internet?

Congratulations Messages : Its really difficult to find some really good congratulations wishes messages on the internet. It may be because they have found success, or achieved something big, or maybe they have been promoted on their job very recently. Saying congratulations is a way of appreciating their efforts and acknowledging their hard works.

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