How do you get two fossils in Pokemon Emerald?


How do you get two fossils in Pokemon Emerald?

How do you get two fossils in Pokemon Emerald?

Once you have the Go-Goggles, enter the desert from the part of Route 111 nearest to Mauville. From there, travel north-east until you come across two items sitting in the sand. These are the two fossils you are looking for. Edit: In Pokémon Emerald, the fossils will be found in the Mirage Tower.

Can you get both root and claw fossil?

Nope. D: You only ever get one of the two Fossils, either Claw or Root, but not both. The best way to obtain the opposite Fossil Pokémon is probably to breed yours and put the baby on the GTS, requesting the other Pokémon.

What are the 2 fossils in Pokemon Emerald?

Ascend the tower and at the top you'll find two fossils, the Root Fossil on the left and the Claw Fossil on the right. Take any one of them, and the tower will crumble and the other fossil will disappear into the sand.

Should I take the root or claw fossil Emerald?

The root fossil and claw fossil revive to pokemon. The root revives Lileep and the Claw fossil revives Anorith. Take them to the 2nd floor of the Devon Corp building in Rustboro City. The man near the back right will tell you he can revive them.

Can you get Eevee in Emerald?

While Eevee isn't available in Pokémon Emerald, it's still present in the game data. Entering a code with the Gameshark will get you an Eevee without the hassle of trading. Input code 83007CF6 0085 into Gameshark. Inputting the Eevee code should work like a charm.

Which is better Cradily or Armaldo?

Cradily fills doubly duty as a Grass type, and has solid balanced defences and decent balanced offenses. Armaldo may lack good moves for its Bug typing in RSE but it hits much harder than Cradily at the expense of less special bulk.

Can you get both Anorith and Lileep in Emerald?

You have the option of getting the Root Fossil (Lileep) or the Claw Fossil (Anorith), however you can only get one. You can get the other fossil after you beat the game in the Fossil Maniac's home. They are items that you are able to interact with in the top.

Is Dracozolt a legendary?

#2 - Dracozolt It is an Electric/Dragon-type Pokemon that is a brutal attacker in competitive battling. These ancient creatures should have been made into Legendary Pokemon.

What is the strongest fossil Pokemon?

10 Strongest Fossil Pokémon, Ranked

  • 7 Bastiodon Is A Living Shield That Few Want To Challenge.
  • 8 Rampardos Uses Its Hard Head To Get Out Its Aggression. ...
  • 9 Armaldo Is Proof That Ancient Bugs Should Not Be Underestimated. ...
  • 10 Cradily Turns Prehistoric Foliage Into A Fearsome Fighter. ...

Where do you get the other fossil in Pokemon Emerald?

You can get the other fossil after you beat the game in the Fossil Maniac's home. They are items that you are able to interact with in the top. The tower itself shows up randomly, so if it doesn't show up, just exit the desert and keep entering until the tower shows up.

Are there fossils in Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed?

In the Generation I remakes, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, the player can obtain the same Fossils as in the original games: either the Helix or the Dome Fossil, and the Old Amber. Additionally, Relicanth is also an ancient Pokémon which is partially Rock-type, and it can be considered a living fossil.

Are there any fossil Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

The Generation I Fossil Pokémon are the only Rock-type Pokémon of that generation that are not part Ground-type. Cranidos and Rampardos are the only Fossil Pokémon that are pure-Rock type. Tirtouga and Carracosta are the only Fossil Pokémon to have Rock as their secondary type.

Where do you get the first fossil in Gen 3?

Quora User, Avid Pokémon player, Gen III specialist. To get the first fossil, you will have to go to the desert above Mauville when the Mirage Tower is there (it's random when it appears, if you keep going back to the desert it will eventually be there. It's right by the entrance you can't miss it.).

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