What happens if if and else if are true?


What happens if if and else if are true?

What happens if if and else if are true?

The if/else statement With the if statement, a program will execute the true code block or do nothing. With the if/else statement, the program will execute either the true code block or the false code block so something is always executed with an if/else statement.

Is else if and if else the same?

There is really no difference between this and else if. The whole advantage is that nesting kills the readability after 2 or 3 levels so it's often better to use else if. So as the default case handles all possibilities the idea behind else if is to split this whole rest into smaller pieces.

Can else if exist without else?

If you require code to run only when the statement returns true (and do nothing else if false) then an else statement is not needed. On the other hand if you need a code to execute “A” when true and “B” when false, then you can use the if / else statement.

Can you have multiple else if statements?

You can use multiple else if but each of them must have opening and closing curly braces {} . You can replace if with switch statement which is simpler but only for comparing same variable.

What comes after if else?

If the result is true (i.e. nonzero), then the statements following the tag are executed. ... If the result is false, those statements are skipped and control falls to the next statement after the closing tag.

Is else if necessary?

No, It's not required to write the else part for the if statement. In fact most of the developers prefer and recommend to avoid the else block. This is purely a matter of style and clarity. It's easy to imagine if statements, particularly simple ones, for which an else would be quite superfluous.

How does if-else if-else work?

The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another block of code can be executed. ... Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false. Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false.

What is the point of ELSE IF?

4 Answers. The main reason to use else if is to avoid excessive indentation. Of course both of the pieces of code above are equivalent (which means it's impossible for the latter to be mandatory other than in style guides).

Should if always have else?

No. If you don't need to run any code on the else side, you don't need an else clause. It is clear by the responses here that no one feels an unused else is needed.

How many else if can you have?

No, there can be only one else per if . Since an else if is a new if , it can have a new else - you can have as many else if s as you want.

Can you execute both if and else statements at the same time?

But we can change our code so that both the statements inside the if block and the else block gets executed, for the same condition. Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

What's the difference between if and else in Java?

elseif, as its name suggests, is a combination of if and else. Like else, it extends an if statement to execute a different statement in case the original if expression evaluates to FALSE. However, unlike else, it will execute that alternative expression only if the elseif conditional expression evaluates to TRUE.

What happens if the if statement is false?

First, the test expression is checked. If the expression is true, the body of the if the statement is executed. If it is false, the statement present after the if statement is executed. In either case, any line of code present outside if the statement is evaluated by default.

Can a conditional statement be true in both cases?

No, they won't both execute. It goes in order of how you've written them, and logically this makes sense; Even though the second one reads 'else if', you can still think of it as 'else'. If your first statement is true, you don't even bother looking at what needs to be done in the else case, because it is irrelevant.

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