O que é um Shot Down?

O que é um Shot Down?
to be shot down = ser abatido, ser derrubado.
O que é Shooting em inglês?
tiroteio m Several policemen were present at the shooting.
Qual o passado da palavra Choose?
The verb today is: choose. Escolher. Past. Chose.
Qual é o passado do verbo come?
Ao avançar nos estudos, todos aprendem também que come é verbo irregular; portanto, no Past Simple deve ser escrito came e no Past Participle é come.
What does shoot down mean in Urban Dictionary?
To emit (a ray or rays of light or another form of energy). c. To utter (sounds or words) forcefully, rapidly, or suddenly: She shot a retort to the insult. d. Slang To give, send, or hand quickly: Shoot me that stapler. 7. Informal To spend, use up, or waste: They shot their savings on a new boat.
Who was shot down in the movie shot down?
The first who topped it were shot down, among them Pitcairn. You shot down two more who, hearing his cries, rushed to his aid. As they shot down that steep hill they shrieked for very joy. He might easily be shot down where he stood, but he would die fighting.
What does it mean to shoot down an aircraft?
shoot down 1. To bring down (an aircraft, for example) by hitting and damaging with gunfire or a missile. 2.
What is the meaning of the word shot?
To utter (sounds or words) forcefully, rapidly, or suddenly: She shot a retort to the insult. d. Slang To give, send, or hand quickly: Shoot me that stapler. 7. Informal To spend, use up, or waste: They shot their savings on a new boat. 8. To pass over or through swiftly: shooting the rapids. 9. To cover (country) in hunting for game. 10.