Em que situações podemos usar If I Was You ou If I Were You?


Em que situações podemos usar If I Was You ou If I Were You?

Em que situações podemos usar If I Was You ou If I Were You?

Aprendemos que o passado de I am é I was. No entanto, quando se trata especificamente do condicional, a forma gramaticalmente correta é If I were (Se eu fosse, Se eu estivesse). A forma If I was é considerada incorreta, apesar de ser utilizada em linguagem informal.

Como se usa o IF?

As “if clauses” sempre serão formadas acompanhadas do termo “if”, que no português quer dizer “se”. Será o “if” que irá estabelecer a relação de condicional e são utilizadas para comunicar/expressar situações do passado, presente e futuro. Ou seja, situações prováveis e até impossíveis e de planos futuros.

Which is correct if I was or if I were?

If I Were. The correct sentence should be – if I had been there – because this is a hypothetical situation. If I was present, I would take care of the situation. – X (wrong) The situation was not taken care of, so clearly the statement is not true. Hence, we should use ‘were’ and not ‘was’.

What does if I were mean in ESL?

If I were you, I would try to find a new job. If she were here, she would explain the situation. The second group of sentences refers to a situation that was always true in the past. In this case, the past simple is used. If I were is used to express an imaginary situation in the present. If I were you, I would take a vacation.

What are the sentences in I was O I were?

REPORT THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: YOU SAID "I WILL DO THIS FOR YOU" YOU SAID: SHE SAID "I AM NOT TIR … Actividad Escribe 10 oraciones en pasado simple con el verbo to be.

What does Como Seria mean in I was O I were?

¿Cómo sería: I was o I were? - Brainly.lat ¿Cómo sería: I was o I were? ¿Todavía tienes preguntas? Exercise 3Use these words in the comparative form and in a sentence.e.g. tall "My red house is tall." Said Anna"My green house is taller than yours.St … ated Susan."My purple house is the tallest." Bragged Steven.sweetjuicyuglylargegoodcleanayudaaaa​

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