Como usar o Kahoot para professores?
Como usar o Kahoot para professores?
Caso seja de interesse criar novas perguntas e respostas, clique no botão no topo da página 'My Kahoots', em seguida 'New Kahoots', selecione a opção 'Quiz' e dê um nome para seu quiz. Após a inserção do nome do quiz, clique em 'go' e inicie o cadastro da sua primeira pergunta e respostas.
Como mostrar as perguntas no Kahoot?
Ao iniciar o Game, as perguntas irão aparecer na tela compartilhada do professor; o aluno irá ler as questões e responder em seu computador ou celular. Lembrando que, na tela do aluno só aparecerá as opções de respostas.
What do you need to know about Kahoot?
Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! Play Kahoot! - Enter game PIN here!
Can you play a game of Kahoot for free?
Join a game of kahoot here. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
How many people in the Fortune 500 use Kahoot?
97% of the Fortune 500 use Kahoot! “ (With Kahoot!) people pay more attention to the training, and that is the dream of any trainer!" “Introducing a topic, learning a concept, practicing a skill, or reviewing a lesson, while having fun, Kahoot! can do it all!"
How many teachers in the US use Kahoot?
Explore our featured games! More than 50% of US teachers use Kahoot! 97% of the Fortune 500 use Kahoot! “ (With Kahoot!) people pay more attention to the training, and that is the dream of any trainer!" “Introducing a topic, learning a concept, practicing a skill, or reviewing a lesson, while having fun, Kahoot! can do it all!"