O que significa SYNC Line in?

O que significa SYNC Line in?
O Sync é uma interface digital fruto de uma parceria entre a Ford e a Microsoft usando a plataforma Automotiva Embarcada Windows, que permite aos motoristas e passageiros controlarem telefones celulares e aparelhos de MP3 por meio de conexões sem fio e comandos de voz, um sistema de comunicação e entretenimento que ...
Como mexer no SYNC?
Para Android: pareie seu smartphone via Bluetooth® com o SYNC®. Consulte o FAQ para saber como se conectar com o carro via Bluetooth®. Para iOS: conecte seu smartphone via cabo USB à porta USB do seu Ford. Na tela do SYNC®, clique em Configurações > Aplicativos > Ativar Aplicativos via USB.
Is there an app for sync on my computer?
Once you’ve signed up for Sync you can install the Sync desktop app on your computer. The desktop app seamlessly integrates Sync with your computer, working behind the scenes to synchronize your files securely to the cloud. Follow the step-by-step desktop app installation instructions article for more details.
What do you need to know about sync.com?
Access your documents and files from multiple computers and mobile devices. Protect your data by backing it up in the cloud. Share your files securely. Setup centralized folders that multiple people can access. Keep your documents and files safe, secure and private.
How does Google Sync work on my computer?
You can see and update your synced info on all your devices, like bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings. You'll sign in automatically to Gmail, YouTube, Search, and other Google services. If you were signed in before turning on sync, you'll stay signed in.
How can I Sync my Computer to the cloud?
Install the Sync desktop app for Windows or Mac on your computer Once you’ve signed up for Sync you can install the Sync desktop app on your computer. The desktop app seamlessly integrates Sync with your computer, working behind the scenes to synchronize your files securely to the cloud.