Can you do Arthur's side missions as John?

Can you do Arthur's side missions as John?
Post Game Stranger Missions While Arthur may have passed on, his work remains. John can complete (almost) all of the Stranger Missions that Arthur was undertaking, the only exceptions seemingly being the ones for Mary Linton, for obvious reasons.
Can you get a horse in Guarma?
There are no wagons or other horses available. You cannot use cheats in Guarma either although it appears it is possible after completling the game. Guarma also lacks boats of any kind. If you used a boat to get out of the map it will not likely stick around if you stray too far from it.
Is it possible to go back to Guarma in Red Dead Redemption 2?
With the help of a glitch, it's possible to go back to Red Dead Redemption 2's fictional island of Guarma even after the single-player campaign. A glitch makes it possible to access Red Dead Redemption 2 ’s Guarma, even after the story moves on from the tropical island.
How do you get back to Guarma after the story?
Eventually, the player will reach the shore of Guarma and can get out and explore. Luckily, the boat cannot sink, even if the waves are large. If the boat capsizes, it simply flips upright and players can swim towards it and hop back in, making the journey easier on players.
Where can I get a guide to Guarma?
Kotaku has pointed us to the 'Basement Gamer Bros' YouTube channel's pretty simple guide, and all that’s required is a rickety old canoe and a lot of patience. This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
What happens when you lose everything in Guarma?
The only time this drastically changes is in Guarma, when you lose almost all of your items and weapons (don’t worry, you get them back when you return to the mainland). While this frustrated some players, it forces you to appreciate every bullet you loot from your fallen enemies.