Can you render pebble dash?


Can you render pebble dash?

Can you render pebble dash?

Technically speaking, you can render over the top of pebble dash as long as it isn't damaged. However, there are a number of reasons why this isn't recommended: It could add unnecessary stress to the walls. If the backing render coats are not solid, they could fail.

Is rendering the same as Pebble Dash?

But first, we have to define exactly what pebbledash is. ... It differs slightly from roughcast render, which we could call its cousin. Instead of the pebbles being thrown into the render, roughcast render is formed when the pebbles are already incorporated into the mix of lime, cement, sand and water that we call mortar.

How long does pebble dash render last?

around 20 to 40 years Why remove pebbledash render? It might have become damaged: Pebbledash usually lasts for around 20 to 40 years. After this time, it may start to get damaged, which could expose your home to damp and lead to more costly renovation work later down the line.

Can you render over roughcast?

One of the best ways of re-rendering pebbledash without removing pebbledash render is by smoothing over it with our One Coat Dash Cover (OCDC). ... The first step in re-rendering your pebbledash is to ensure that any loose stones are rubbed off.

Is Pebble Dash cheaper than render?

A render usually works out cheaper than a pebble dash and is easier to maintain and easier to remove and repair, therefore we would personally choose a render over a pebble dash.

Does Pebble Dash cause damp?

One of the main causes of penetrating damp cracked cement, bricks or pebble dash, which allows the moisture to soak into the property. ... While pebbledash does not cause damp, it is just as prone as bare brick to water ingress, which is what leads to paint failure.

Can you take pebble dash off house?

If the home owner wants to completely get rid of the pebbledash, it can be rendered. This can be with a coloured render, which saves on repainting, or sand and cement render, which will need painting once it's on the house. A professional builder will remove all the old pebbledash and render over the bare bricks.

Can you render over pebble dash with sand and cement?

If the home owner wants to completely get rid of the pebbledash, it can be rendered. This can be with a coloured render, which saves on repainting, or sand and cement render, which will need painting once it's on the house. A professional builder will remove all the old pebbledash and render over the bare bricks.

What is wrong with pebble dash?

Pebbledash was designed to cover up poor quality brickwork and the problem is that over time, the stones drop out (check your path or driveway after heavy rain for proof) and then the water resistant nature of the pebbles is lost and the render behind starts to soak up water.

Why do people have pebble dash?

Pebbledash originated as a way to cover up the cheap bricks used to build these houses. It was made from pebbles dredged up from the sea and thrown by hand onto wet sand and cement. It was also popular as it was easier to apply than stucco or rendering – with a lack of skilled labourers, anyone could apply it.

What do you need to know about pebbledash render?

Pebbledash is a render that has some clear differences to the other renders out there. Normally, the process to install pebbledash involves throwing stones and pebbles onto freshly laid render and pressing them down. This can cause some serious problems when it comes to covering the render up later on.

What should I do about my pebbledash painting?

Many thanks in advance. Several months ago many people offered their advice on what we should do about pebbledash. In the end we had it sealed and painted (it never gave us any trouble and we were wary of having it re done in a modern render) and are over the moon with the result.

Do you love or hate the look of pebbledash?

Today, pebbledash is not often seen as a fashion statement. When it comes to pebbledash, you either love the look of the render or hate the look – the marmite of the rendering world.

What to do about pebbledash in second home?

My second home was more challenging as removing an ugly patio damaged the pebbledash. The pebbledash had to be removed by hand, underneath the bricks were in bad condition so had be repointed and the was an expensive job as you should render over pebbledash. It's worth seeing if you could live with painting it.

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