Can you romance Thane as a male?


Can you romance Thane as a male?

Can you romance Thane as a male?

To romance him, Shepard will need to comfort and support him. Even though Shepard is involved with Thane, he will not be automatically protected from harm during the Suicide Mission, so players will need to do their best to keep him alive or risk cutting the romance short.

Can you romance Garrus and Thane?

Some of these relationships are only possible if you carry them over from the previous games. Female Shepard can continue a romance with Thane or Garrus from ME2, start one with Samantha Traynor, and have a casual encounter with Javik or James Vega.

Can you cure Thane?

Unfortunately, there's no way to save Thane in Mass Effect 3. No matter what decisions you made in the previous game, or what decisions you make in the trilogy's third installment, he'll always be mortally injured by Kai Leng.

Who can you romance in Mass Effect 2 as a female?

Also, each romance decision carries from one game to the next - so the romance you have in Mass Effect will be remembered in Mass Effect 2 and again in Mass Effect 3....As female Shepard you can romance the following characters:

  • Garrus Vakarian.
  • Jacob Taylor.
  • Thane Krios.
  • Liara T'Soni (Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC, fling)

Can you romance someone after Thane dies?

It is important to note that Shepard will not be able to romance any other character following Thane's death if they did not break things off with him ahead of time. Players may also notice completing Thane's romance in Mass Effect 3, unlike the others, will not unlock in the Paramour Achievement.

Can I romance Kaidan after Thane?

Thane is only available as a love interest for a female Shepard. Once the romance has been locked in during the main campaign of Mass Effect 3, Shepard will not be able to romance anyone else.

Is Garrus romance good?

The entire reason Garrus is romanceable in the first place is that he was beloved by fans. They loved him so much in the first game that Bioware staff decided to make him romanceable in the second one. This was one of their best decisions too, as Garrus is known as one of the most popular romantic companions.

Is Thane dead in ME3?

During later conversations with him, Thane tells Shepard that he hoped this mission would be his last, expecting that he would have been killed by Nassana's guards. He reveals he is slowly dying of a disease which is later revealed to be Kepral's Syndrome.

Can Thane Krios survive?

Sorry but unfortunately no. There is no way to save Thane in ME3, his death is part of a scripted event to help show the emotional impact that on Sheppard.

Can You Romance Thane Krios in Mass Effect 3?

Thane is only available to Female Shepards who Romanced him in Mass Effect 2. If you did that, you'll know why this relationship is so complicated: by Mass Effect 3, he's succumbing to the final stages of Kepral's Syndrome.

How can I continue my romance with Miranda?

To continue a romance with Miranda, you must import a ME2 save file in which the two of you had a relationship. When you reunite, you can reaffirm your relationship, and then meet in a private ...

Who are the romance options in Mass Effect 1?

Mass Effect 1 Kaidan/Ashley romance On Eden Prime, depending on Shepard’s gender, either Kaidan or Ashley get caught in the pull of the Prothean beacon. If you want to romance them, reassure them, and continue to speak to them after each primary mission – the two of you develop a flirtatious relationship.

How did Thane Krios get involved with Rasa?

Thane had a spiked drink sent her way, and an unsuspecting Rasa quaffed it. He later claimed responsibility for the agent when she groggily stumbled out of the bar and ran afoul a turian cop who was holding her up for drunkenness.

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