Can you reply with a thread on twitter?


Can you reply with a thread on twitter?

Can you reply with a thread on twitter?

Twitter has been experimenting with threaded replies for some time as a way to potentially make replies easier to read and follow. But the company has decided to end those experiments because of user feedback, it announced on Thursday.

Can you reply to a tweet with another tweet?

A reply is a response to another person's Tweet. You can reply by clicking or tapping the reply icon from a Tweet. When you reply to someone else, your Tweet will show the message Replying to... when viewed in your profile page timeline.

Can you do twitter threads?

  1. Tap the compose icon.
  2. Pull down from the compose window and tap Continue Thread to Add to your last Tweet.
  3. Add content, and tap Tweet to add to your thread.
  4. To add a thread to an earlier Tweet, click to Select another Tweet.

How do you tweet someone not following you?

Method 1 of 2: Using Mentions

  1. To "mention" a Twitter user is to tag their username in a tweet. You can use mentions to: Direct a tweet toward one user. ...
  2. No matter how you use mentions, anyone you mention in a tweet will be notified--unless your account is private and they aren't following you.

How do I find my threads on Twitter?

Enter your search into the search bar on Click Advanced search, located underneath Search filters on the upper right of your results page, or click More options and then click Advanced search. Fill in the appropriate fields to refine your search results (see below for some helpful tips).

Is it better to quote tweet or reply?

This is a great way to engage with other users while also bringing your own audience into the conversation. When you reply directly to a tweet, your response won't necessarily be seen by all of your followers. Quote tweeting pushes the initial tweet alongside your response into your feed, igniting the conversation.

How do you save Twitter threads?

Whenever you want to save a Twitter thread, click on the Share button and choose 'Add tweet to bookmarks. ' You can then access all your bookmarks from the Bookmarks section present in the left sidebar on the website.

Is it possible to reply to a tweet on Twitter?

If you are a regular user of Twitter, odds are you have seen some pretty interesting tweets from people around the world. Replying to tweets is very similar to sending a regular tweet. You can easily reply to someone whether you're using a computer or a mobile device.

How does a threaded tweet Work on Twitter?

Each of the Tweets could stand on their own but, when threaded, they strengthen the message — which is ideal. This thread gains momentum and ends on a strong note (with an image) encouraging people to read the whole thing. Add additional Tweets later to re-highlight or follow-up on published Tweets.

Is there a way to see hidden replies on Twitter?

Everyone can still access hidden replies through the hidden reply icon, which shows up on the original Tweet when there are hidden replies. Additionally, the Tweet author can unhide a reply at any time. When a Tweet author hides a reply, the author of the reply will not be notified. From a reply to one of your Tweets, click or tap the icon.

Where do I find a reply to a protected tweet?

Replies from people with protected Tweets will only be visible to their followers. If someone sends you a reply and you are not following them, the reply will not appear in your Home timeline. Instead, the reply will appear in your Notifications tab.

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