Can I sell Fisstech Witcher 3?


Can I sell Fisstech Witcher 3?

Can I sell Fisstech Witcher 3?

Fisstech can be sold to blacksmiths and armourers.

Where can I sell Fisstech Witcher 3?

Fisstech is sold by the following merchants:

  • Innkeep at the Cunny of the Goose.
  • Merchant at Gildorf district shop.
  • Little Flint Girl in the Land of a Thousand Fables.

What junk can I sell Witcher 3?

As for junk, you might want to hold on to stuff like rings, silver, necklaces and such. Basically any metal item can be dismantled into crafting materials like silver or iron ingots and the like, so in case you're short on those kind of crafting materials, you can acquire them through junk.

Who has the most money to sell to in Witcher 3?

The Blacksmith Heirarch Square in Novigrad offers the best price for Runestones and Weapons in the game.

Can I sell Fisstech?

Fisstech can be sold to blacksmiths and armourers.

What drug is Fisstech?

Fisstech is a drug similar in appearance and effect to amphetamine or cocaine. It is a powder which is typically snorted or rubbed on the gums or foreskin, but as with opiates and other narcotics in our society, it can also be used in medicine as an anaesthetic.

How do you get rich in Witcher 3?

Tips for looting and making money in TW3

  1. Loot everything, broken oars and butterknives included.
  2. Sell items to the right merchants — armor to armorers, weapons to blacksmiths, alchemy ingredients to herbalists, etc.
  3. Complete Witcher contracts. ...
  4. Convert Florens and Orens into Crowns at Vivaldi Bank in Novigrad.

Should I sell glyphs Witcher 3?

Might as well sell them if you're not going to socket them. But only if you need the money - they'll be more expensive to buy if you needs some. Chance are you'll never need a glyph of Axii..

Should I dismantle or sell Witcher 3?

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, junk items return. This time, however, some junk items can be dismantled into useful crafting components. As junk items have weight, it is better to either sell or dismantle them when available.

How does fisstech work in the Witcher 3?

If you make a couple quest decisions a certain way, later in the game you can start using fisstech. It regens your stamina crazy fast. But after it wears off you have a 6minute period where stamina regens more slowly. And if you use it too much too often you end up with over an hour of stamina regen slowing.

How to determine which items to sell in Witcher 3?

Best cost to weight ratio gear to pick up is usually boots and gloves. Weigh very little usually, and they can sell for quite a bit. Weapons can be good, and then armor is usually really heavy for the amount you can sell it for.

Where do you get karmic justice in Witcher 3?

Karmic Justice PG is one of the undocumented quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and can be obtained by walking in the Novigrad suburbs near the river, between the Tretogor gate and the Southern gate. You will find three elves trying to kill a merchant.

How do you check if a merchant has fisstech?

However the merchant will claim they're just trying to rob him. You can ask about searching the merchant to check if he has fisstech, but the elves will state they couldn't find anything because he's already sold it all.

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