What happens when a Facebook page is memorialized?


What happens when a Facebook page is memorialized?

What happens when a Facebook page is memorialized?

The word Remembering will be shown next to the person's name on their profile. Depending on the privacy settings of the account, friends can share memories on the memorialized Timeline. Content the person shared (ex: photos, posts) stays on Facebook and is visible to the audience it was shared with.

Can a Facebook page have the memorialized state removed?

Memorialized accounts that don't have a legacy contact can't be changed. Pages with a sole admin whose account was memorialized will be removed from Facebook if we receive a valid memorialization request.

How do I get my Facebook page memorialized?

To memorialize an account on Facebook, a request needs to be sent naming the deceased and providing their date of passing and proof of their death, such as an obituary or death certificate. Eventually, if it all checks out, Facebook will memorialize the account.

How do you turn a Facebook page into a memorial page?

When a loved one passes, you can complete the Memorialization Request form (link in Resources) to ask Facebook to convert the person's personal profile to a memorial page. Facebook will then conduct an investigation using the proof of passing -- you are invited to submit the URL of a published obituary or news article ...

What happens when you memorialize a Facebook account?

When a user passes away, we memorialize their account to protect their privacy. Memorializing an account sets the account privacy so that only confirmed friends can see the profile or locate it in search. The Wall remains, so friends and family can leave posts in remembrance.

What to post on a Facebook memorial page?

A Facebook Memorial is not the appropriate place to post a photo of the deceased shotgunning a beer on Spring Break. Show some restraint and post photos and memories that honor your loved one’s life as well as their right to privacy. The grief of loss is an intensely personal experience for everyone touched by it.

Can you tag a person in a Facebook memorial?

* As of 8/11/12, Facebook allows us to photo tag the person of a memorialized account. That wasn't true for about a year but was true before that year. These things change constantly. Just know that it may change yet again.

What happens to a Facebook page when a loved one dies?

Your loved one’s content can remain visible to the friends and family with whom it was originally shared. This includes photos and posts. The memorial Facebook page will no longer show up in suggestions for “People You May Know,” ads, or birthday reminders. No one will be able to login to the account.

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