Como cuidar da begônia amarela?


Como cuidar da begônia amarela?

Como cuidar da begônia amarela?

Como cuidar das Begônias De modo geral, as begônias gostam de temperaturas amenas, entre 20º a 28º C e luz direta. Por isso, o mais recomendado é plantá-la em um local onde ela possa receber luz do sol, mas fique protegida de chuvas, frio e ventos. As regas devem acontecer sempre que o solo estiver seco.

Como fazer a poda de uma begônia?

Como Podar Begônia Corte as folhas mortas regularmente para limpar a aparência da begônia tuberosa e para remover as velhas flores podres que podem infectar as plantas. Corte com uma tesoura limpa, as folhas secas, amareladas e queimadas.

What kind of light does a Begonia need?

The tuberous begonia does need some light, so if you don't have a suitable place near a window, you can place the plant under artificial lights. Standard fluorescent lighting works well, or you can get good results by using one cool white bulb and one bulb labeled for use with plants in a two-bulb fixture.

Where to plant begonia plants?

If you choose to plant your begonias in the ground instead, choose a site with rich, acidic, well-drained soil that receives sun only in the morning or late afternoon. Plant the begonias 8 to 12 inches apart, at the same depth they grew in their pots.

How to identify a Begonia?

How to Identify a Begonia Leaf Identification of a Begonia. All begonias have oval-shaped leaves that can be spade-like with a pointed tip in some varieties. ... Tuberous Classification Begonias. Begonias with tuberous roots are a large group of complex hybrids involving many species and years of breeding and development. Rhizomatous Begonias Types. ... Fibrous-Rooted Varieties. ...

Where do you plant begonias?

Begonias can be planted right in the garden for a summer full of flowers or even in a pot. Whichever way you choose to grow begonias, the instructions below will be the same! Choose a good quality potting soil and a spot with full sun or shade. If your summers get too hot, plant begonias where there is afternoon shade.

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