Quando usar Omni Light?
Quando usar Omni Light?
A Omni Light é uma iluminação que emite luz em todas as direções, apesar de ter um formato de esfera, ela não se comporta como uma, mas sim, como uma luz mais pontual e difusa. Eu geralmente uso ela em abajures.
Como usar IES Light VRAY 40 SketchUp?
Veja como é simples configurar as luzes no sketchup:
- 1º Passo – Clique no ícone de Luz IES;
- 2º Passo – Clique no lugar onde você deseja colocar a iluminação;
- 3º Passo – Clique com o botão direito sobre a luz selecionada;
- 4º Passo – Vá em V-Ray for Sketchup > Edit Light.
How to insert an omni light in SketchUp?
To insert an omni light or point light, click on the point light icon in the tool bar and drag an omni light into the model. The omni light/ point light is a SketchUp group called a light group. You can see the light group in SketchUp's outliner.
How to make an omni light in Su podium?
Omni & Spot Lights Omni light or Point light is an artificial light source which emits light uniformly in all directions, similar to a light bulb. To insert an omni light or point light, click on the point light icon in the tool bar and drag an omni light into the model. The omni light/ point light is a SketchUp group called a light group.
How do you place a spotlight in SketchUp?
So, to place a spotlight, click once to select the surface or axis off which the placement of the actual light source is based of. Moving the mouse will then allow you to define the axis or face that you wish the light to run along or be placed. Once decided, make the second click to define the lights light source.
How to adjust light power and color in SketchUp?
It's easy to adjust light power and color for omni/ point lights. Select the the light point component in SketchUp. You can do this by picking the component (very small) or finding it in SketchUp's outliner. The point light will have a name that starts as light-point.