É correto afirmar sobre Little?
É correto afirmar sobre Little?
Já as palavras little e a little transmitem a ideia de pouco ou pouca. Nada a ver com o plural. Se eu quero dizer que tem pouco açúcar, então digo little sugar ou a little sugar. A palavra sugar (açucar) não vai para o plural, então o certo é usar little ou a little.
How to use little, few, few in English?
We use a few with plural countable nouns: Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a little bread. We stayed a few days in Florence and visited the museums. We use little with uncountable nouns. We use few with plural countable nouns. They are used in formal contexts: I’m not very happy about it but I suppose I have little choice.
What does it mean to have a few people?
A few means not many but enough. We had a few hours left before we had to be at the airport so we went for a last swim. A few is used with too to mean just slightly more than enough. However ‘only a few’ can mean not enough. There were only a few people interested in the excursion so it was cancelled.
What does a little mean in English Dictionary?
There were only a few people interested in the excursion so it was cancelled. Few means hardly any and usually has a negative meaning. It is also used for emphasis with very. Very few people enjoyed the film despite the stars who act in it. A little means not much but enough.