Como usar o Calc IV?


Como usar o Calc IV?

Como usar o Calc IV?

Como calcular IV em Pokémon Go Usamos o IV Calculator como base neste tutorial. Preencha a espécie do Pokémon, CP, HP, a quantidade de Stardust para poder usar “Power Up”. Marque a opção “Yes” ou “No” se você já usou ou não Stardust naquele Pokémon. Depois basta apertar “Find IV”.

Como ver o IV em Pokémon Fire Red?

Para liberar esta função, basta você chocar 21 ovos e depois ir até a Battle Tree e falar com o Ace Trainer que está ao lado do computador. Ele atualizará seu PC e fará com que você tenha a função de checar os IVs de seus Pokémon.

Which is the best value for a calcy IV?

The performance of the species gives you an idea how strong the highest evolution of this Pokemon's species is in general. This is important as some Pokemons will always be better than others, no matter how good their IVs are. A good value here is above 65%]

What does the IV mean in Pokemon calcy?

The IV-Performance shows you how good an individual Pokemon is from 0% to 100%. More precisely, every Pokemon has 3 individual values (attack, defense, hp) ranging from 0 to 15. Then, 100% means to have 15 in all three stats. You can check all possible combinations of IVs in the combination detail screen in Calcy.

How to check your DPS in calcy IV?

The move button (two swords) opens the move window where you can insert and modify the move set of the Pokemon and check its DPS. Note that here the DPS take the Pokemon level and attack IV into account. This is not the case for the DPS shown in Calcy / Details / Moves which should only be used to compare move sets (not Pokemons).

What does the PvP Stat product on calcy show?

Depending on your settings, Calcy will display the "PvP stat product", the "PvP Iv%", and/or the PvP rank in the output.

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