Como usar o Microsoft Teams sem instalar?

Como usar o Microsoft Teams sem instalar?
Como acessar o Microsoft Teams sem baixar o aplicativo
- Entre na página de login do Microsoft Teams;
- Faça o Login com sua conta;
- Na página seguinte, selecione a opção “Em vez disso, usar o aplicativo Web”;
- Aguarde todo o carregamento da tela e já poderá usar.
É necessário baixar o Teams?
Mesmo que você não tenha uma conta Teams, ainda poderá participar de uma reunião Teams no aplicativo móvel. Veja como: No convite da reunião, selecione Ingressar Microsoft Teams Reunião. Se você ainda não tiver o aplicativo Teams celular, será levado para a loja de aplicativos para baixá-lo.
How are class notebooks listed in Microsoft Teams?
All the Class Notebooks you've created in Microsoft Teams will be listed under your Co-owned notebooks. Add Class Notebook pages to assignments for students to edit or reference. To create an assignment using a Class Notebook page: Add the page to your notebook's Content Library or Collaboration Space.
What do you need to know about Microsoft Teams for Education?
Microsoft Teams for Education Every class team comes with its own linked OneNote Class Notebook. Your Class Notebook is a digital notebook for the whole class to store text, images, handwritten notes, attachments, links, voice, video, and more. Teams delivers these essential components of the OneNote Class Notebook experience:
What do you need to know about OneNote teams?
Your Class Notebook is a digital notebook for the whole class to store text, images, handwritten notes, attachments, links, voice, video, and more. Teams delivers these essential components of the OneNote Class Notebook experience:
How do you review assignments in Microsoft Teams?
Review assignments and add feedback in a breeze without leaving Microsoft Teams: Navigate to the Assignments tab from the General channel of your class team. Open the assignment, select the Turned In button underneath the student's work status. Review the student's work and add any feedback or points.