Como atualizar pacotes com pip?

Como atualizar pacotes com pip?
Gerenciando pacotes em projetos Python com o PIP
- Instalando o PIP. ...
- Para a listagem dos pacotes instalado, utilizamos o comando pip freeze :
- Para a atualização dos pacotes que estão instalados, utilizamos o comando pip install --upgrade nome-do-pacote :
Como atualizar o pip do Python?
Para atualizar o pip no pycharm:
- Abrir as configurações do projeto (Arquivo> Configurações ...) (preferências no Mac)
- Projeto> Intérprete de Projetos.
- Pressione o botão +
- Digite "pip" na caixa de pesquisa.
- No canto inferior direito, escolha "especificar versão"
- Escolha sua versão e pressione Instalar pacote.
Which is the latest version of Pip in PyCharm?
The pip version was 8.1.1 and I clicked update, expecting it to be updated to the latest version. However, after it hinted "update successfully", I noticed that the version of pip was still 8.1.1. Then I realized that PyCharm may use my default pip version in Windows command line--which is the python3.5's pip.
Can You update PyCharm to a new version of EAP?
EAP versions can be updated to both newer EAP and stable PyCharm versions. If an EAP version is updated to a stable version at some point, the name of the original installation directory does not change.
Is there a way to update the PyCharm IDE?
Update PyCharm. By default, PyCharm is configured to check for updates automatically and notify you when a new version is available. Updates are usually patch-based: they are applied to the existing installation and only require you to restart the IDE.
Which is the latest version of PIP for Windows?
You are using pip version 18.1, however version 19.1.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the ‘python -m pip install –upgrade pip’ command. In order to upgrade PIP in Windows, you’ll need to open the Windows Command Prompt, and then type/copy the command below.