Como baixar o Resident Evil 3?

Como baixar o Resident Evil 3?
Na PS Store, busque por “Resident Evil 3” na barra de pesquisa e clique no jogo que está com um aviso de pré-venda, como se você estivesse entrando para comprá-lo. Após clicar, role a página para baixo até encontrar a seção de “Demos” e, lá, estará a demo de Resident Evil 3. Basta clicar nela e fazer o download.
Como baixar Resident Evil 3 no PC?
A demo de Resident Evil 3 disponível no Steam pode ser encontrada por meio da busca. Basta digitar "Resident Evil 3" e selecionar a opção com o seguinte título: "Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo". Uma vez na página, é só clicar em jogar para iniciar o download.
Can you play Resident Evil 3 online?
Resident Evil 3 is a PS1 game that can be played here for free on using your web browser. It was added on 9/3/2019 and has been played 2184 times.
Who are the characters in Resident Evil 3?
Carlos Oliveira Carlos Oliveira is a supporting character in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and is featured in the Resident Evil live-action films franchise. Chris Redfield Chris Redfield is one of the first and most recurring protagonists in the Resident Evil series . Claire Redfield Claire Redfield is the sister of S.T.A.R.S. Operative Chris Redfield.
What is Resident Evil 3?
Resident Evil 3 was developed by Capcom and produced by Shinji Mikami , who worked on the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2. After the release of Resident Evil 2, Capcom was working on multiple Resident Evil projects and a team led by Hideki Kamiya developed what was planned to be the next main installment.