Onde Boba Fett?


Onde Boba Fett?

Onde Boba Fett?

Kamino Boba foi criado no planeta Kamino como resultado do acordo de Jango Fett com o Lorde Sith Darth Tyranus, que contratou o mercenário durante os anos finais da República Galáctica. Em troca de se tornar o modelo de um exército de clone troopers, Jango recebeu um clone inalterado, Boba, que ele tratou como um filho.

Porque Boba Fett usa armadura Mandaloriana?

Durante seu treinamento como caçador de recompensas, ele usava uma armadura simples com um capacete preto e branco. Foi só na era Imperial que ele conseguiu honrar o legado de Jango Fett. ... Jango Fett era um enjeitado e recebeu a armadura dos mandalorianos como recompensa por lutar nas Guerras Civis Mandalorianas.

What did Boba Fett learn from Jango Fett?

When Jango Fett was hired to be the genetic blueprint for the Republic’ s clone army, he made one request: to be given an unaltered clone that he could raise as a son. Boba Fett was that son, and through Jango, he learned the art of combat.

Who was Boba Fett's father in the Clone Wars?

Although he was born a clone, Boba regarded Jango as his father, who likewise viewed the boy as his son. He was also the first of many clones modeled on the Jango Fett template. As a child, Boba was raised on Kamino by his father, who taught his cloned son many of the skills Jango had learned as a bounty hunter.

What kind of Starship does Boba Fett wear?

Fett emulated his father and genetic donor by wearing a customized suit of Mandalorian armor. His personal starship was the Slave I, a Firespray-31 -class patrol and attack craft that once belonged to Jango.

What did Boba Fett do to neelda in Star Wars?

Boba was soon about to kill Neelda but saw that he was not part of the Tiver and Rinn. Boba then let Neelda escape and run away. Fett and Boba later boarded their starship, Slave I with the Twi'lek girl and delivered her back to her father. "Get him, Dad! Get him! Fire!" ―Boba, during his father's fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi [src]

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