Quem morre the boys HQ?

Quem morre the boys HQ?
A tragédia foi apontada como a maior falha dos Sete nos quadrinhos de The Boys. Esse foi o fim terrível da paródia do Flash na HQ da franquia, que morreu por conta da personalidade terrível do Patriota.
Quem é o facho de luz?
O ator Shawn Ashmore, conhecido por dar vida ao Homem de Gelo na franquia X-Men, agora está vivendo um desafio de fogo (literalmente) ao interpretar o personagem Facho de Luz em The Boys.
Como o Capitão Pátria morte na HQ?
Morte. ... Black Noir extermina o Capitão Pátria, destroçando seu corpo e, após a morte, brincando com o cadáver. Depois disso, ele é morto por militares e pelo próprio Billy Bruto.
Como o Lenny morreu the boys?
Ex-membro com super velocidade do grupo, morreu durante a tentativa desastrosa em salvar o avião sequestrado por terroristas no 11 de setembro, e foi substituído por outro velocista, o A-Train, pela Vought-American.
Who is Black Noir in the Amazon series?
In the Amazon series of the same name, he is portrayed by Nathan Mitchell. Black Noir is the clone of The Homelander, and was created by Vought-American with refined Compound-V. Vought created him as a contingency plan in order to ensure that Homelander never oversteps his bounds, and kill him if he does.
How did Black Noir die in the comics?
He was later brutally shot to death by the Military and The Butcher, and killed when Billy ripped a chunk of his brain out after ripping his skull with his crowbar. Prior to the big twist by the end of the comic series, Black Noir was rather stoic and socially withdrawn from his teammates making him mysterious in nature.
Who is Black Noir in nothing like the world?
In Nothing Like It in the World, Black Noir approaches Anika and wants her to track down Billy Butcher, initially hesitant, Anika is eventually coerced from Black Noir's silent intimidating presence.
What does Black Noir do in we Gotta Go Now?
By the end of the episode, Anika runs a facial scanner and finds surveillance footage of Billy Butcher climbing the wall to Becca's homes, Black Noir uses this to hunt down Butcher. With the information he obtained, Black Noir stalks Butcher and tracks him down to his aunt Judy's in We Gotta Go Now.