Como transformar percentil em escore-z?

Como transformar percentil em escore-z?
– Converta o valor original para o seu escore-z; – Use a tabela anterior e encontre o percentil correspondente. a que estamos lidando; – Multiplique o escore padrão pelo desvio padrão; – Some a esse valor a média. É assim que podemos encontrar a nota de corte de uma prova sabendo em que percentil ela está!
How to calculate a z-score using Microsoft Excel?
You can use AVERAGE and STDEV.S or STDEV.P formulas to calculate the mean and standard deviation of your data and then use those results to determine the Z-Score of each value. What is a Z-Score and what do the AVERAGE, STDEV.S, and STDEV.P functions do?
What is the standard deviation of a z score?
It is 0.15945 standard deviations below the mean. To check the results, you can multiply the standard deviation by this result (6.271629 * -0.15945) and check that the result is equal to the difference between the value and the mean (499-500). Both results are equal, so the value makes sense. Let’s calculate the Z-Scores of the rest of the values.
Is there a positive or negative z score?
There can be positive and negative values in Z scores. Students who have achieved scores more than the mean value, get positive Z scores. Students who have achieved scores less than the mean value, get negative Z scores. If the Z score is zero that means the student’s score is the same as the mean value.