Who is the strongest Legendary Super Saiyan?

Who is the strongest Legendary Super Saiyan?
Top 10 Strongest Saiyans in "Dragon Ball Z/Super"
- Kale (Legendary Super Saiyan)
- Yamoshi.
- Mystic Gohan.
- Future Trunks Super Saiyan Rage.
- Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black.
- Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta.
- Ultra Instict Goku.
- Legendary Super Saiyan Broly.
Does Goku have legendary Super Saiyan?
Goku has evolved into several different Super Saiyan forms, but not the actual Legendary Super Saiyan form that matches Broly's size, bulk, and power level. The fact that Broly can do something that Goku can't already makes him the stuff of legends.
Who is the most strongest Saiyan?
Dragon Ball: The 15 Most Powerful Saiyans, Ranked According To Strength
- 1 Goku. Goku has always led the way when it comes to mastering new transformations and that continues to be the case in the modern age.
- 2 Broly. ...
- 3 Cumber. ...
- 4 Vegeta. ...
- 5 Kale. ...
- 6 Goku Black. ...
- 7 Gohan. ...
- 8 Future Trunks. ...
Can Gohan go ssj3?
1- Gohan doesn't need to go ssj3 because his ultimate form is already stronger and less straining on the body than ssj3. 2- Training for ssj3 is very tough on the body. Goku was only able to achieve it because his body was dead and could take the beating. Gotenks can do it because he is the combination of two strong bodies that can go super Saiyan.
What are all of Goku's forms?
Goku has a total of 7 forms he can use, in order of strength: Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct and Mastered Ultra Instinct, with his Base and Blue forms having Kaio-ken versions, which make him even stronger at the cost of draining his Life.
Is Kale a Super Saiyan?
Kale is the first female Saiyan from the mainstream Dragon Ball series to be shown with a Super Saiyan transformation. However, in the series itself, it was Caulifla who becomes a Super Saiyan first. Like most other pure-blooded Saiyans, Kale's name comes from a vegetable, more specifically kale.