O que é preciso para executar um código javascript?

O que é preciso para executar um código javascript?
Como executar o JavaScript Crie um arquivo de texto simples, salve com o nome index. html e insira nele o seguinte código: var foo = "Eu sou javascript"; alert(foo); Abra o arquivo em um navegador qualquer.
Can You debug a JavaScript app in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio provides client-side debugging support for Chrome and Internet Explorer only. In some scenarios, the debugger automatically hits breakpoints in JavaScript and TypeScript code and in embedded scripts on HTML files.
Is there a debugger for Chrome in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio provides client-side debugging support for Chrome and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) only. In some scenarios, the debugger automatically hits breakpoints in JavaScript and TypeScript code and in embedded scripts on HTML files.
How to debug HTML and JavaScript together in VSCode?
Then open VSCode, right-click any file in the root folder of your project and select "Open in Console". Then type to start a server with your project as root folder. Live-server will open your default browser and also monitors your project folder for any file changes, and reloads the html page every time you do any changes.
How to enable remote debugging in Visual Studio 2019?
Because both browsers use the chromium code base, this gives the best results. Start your browser with debugging enabled. Starting in Visual Studio 2019, you can set the --remote-debugging-port=9222 flag at browser launch by selecting Browse With... > from the Debug toolbar, then choosing Add, and then setting the flag in the Arguments field.