Quem mata Missandei?


Quem mata Missandei?

Quem mata Missandei?

No episódio, Missandei sumiu quando a frota de Daenerys e os dragões foram atacados, e foi revelado em seguida que ela virou refém de Cersei. Daenerys tentou negociar a rendição da Cersei, sem sucesso. Cersei, então, mandou Montanha matar Missandei, decapitada. Sua última palavra foi "Dracarys".

Em que temporada o Rei Joffrey morre?

4ª temporada No segundo episódio da 4ª temporada, “O Leão e a Rosa”, Joffrey Baratheon morreu envenenado por Petyr Baelish e Olenna Tyrell em seu próprio casamento.

O que significa Dracarys em inglês?

Quem acompanha Game of Thrones está acostumado a ver Daenerys Targaryen dizer “Dracarys” para ordenar seus dragões a cuspir fogo. ... Peterson, linguista responsável por criar os idiomas fictícios da série, incluindo o Alto Valiriano, “Dracaryssignifica simplesmente “Fogo de Dragão”.

Who is Missandei in Game of Thrones?

Navigation menu. Missandei. Missandei is a Naathi scribe in service to Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the Good Masters of Astapor. In the television adaptation, Game of Thrones, she is portrayed by Nathalie Emmanuel.

Who is Missandei in A Song of Ice and Fire?

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Missandei is a slave native to the island of Naath, located off the northwestern coast of Sothoryos. She acts as an interpreter to Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the Good Masters of Astapor.

Why did Mero kill Missandei in Game of Thrones?

Mero is uncouth throughout the whole event, groping Missandei, trying smell her and slapping her backside. In part because of his treatment of Missandei, Daenerys orders that Mero be killed first if the Unsullied must fight the Second Sons.

Where did Missandei and her brothers grow up?

Missandei and her brothers were born on the island of Naath. They were eventually captured by raiders from the Basilisk Isles, and sold into slavery in Astapor. Three of her brothers became Unsullied, but one was killed in training, and only Marselen and Mossador remain. She remembers Mossador teaching her to climb trees.

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