Para que é indicado o remédio Oscillococcinum?


Para que é indicado o remédio Oscillococcinum?

Para que é indicado o remédio Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum® é indicado como auxiliar na prevenção e no tratamento dos estados gripais. A indicação deste medicamento somente poderá ser alterada a critério do prescritor. Medicamentos homeopáticos são indicados segundo a individualidade de cada paciente, e não para doenças específicas.

Para que é indicado Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum® é indicado como auxiliar na prevenção e no tratamento dos estados gripais. A indicação deste medicamento somente poderá ser alterada a critério do prescritor.

How big is a dose of Oscillococcinum?

Empty 1 tube under your tongue. A single dose is 1 tube, which is 0.04-ounce (1 g) dose. Screw open the tube and pour the small balls under your tongue. Don't try to swallow them; just let them hang out under your tongue for a few minutes.

Is there any active ingredient in Oscillococcinum?

Oscillococcinum is a brand name homeopathic product manufactured by Boiron Laboratories. Similar homeopathic products are found in other brands. Homeopathic products are extreme dilutions of some active ingredient. They are often so diluted that they don't contain any active medicine.

How long should you wait before taking Oscillococcinum?

1 Wait 15 minutes after you eat to take this medication. According to homeopathic practice, you shouldn't have strong flavors in your mouth when taking a medication. 2 Empty 1 tube under your tongue. A single dose is 1 tube, which is 0.04-ounce (1 g) dose. ... 3 Allow the contents to dissolve under your tongue. ...

What's the dilution of Oscillococcinum in water?

Don't try to swallow them; just let them hang out under your tongue for a few minutes. The active ingredient in this medication is Anas barbariae at 200CK HPUS. The "200CK" indicates it's dilution in water. A dilution of 1C is 1 part active ingredient to 100 parts water; a 5C would be 1:1,000,000,000,000,000.

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