Como ter acesso ao Gpedit MSC?

Como ter acesso ao Gpedit MSC?
A forma mais rápida de acessar o Editor de Política de Grupo Local é pelo campo de busca da Cortana. Para isso, basta pesquisar por "gpedit. msc" e pressionar "Enter" no teclado para abrir o primeiro resultado.
Como habilitar o Gpedit MSC w10?
Etapa 7: Agora, pressione as teclas Win + X juntas no teclado e selecione Executar para iniciar o comando Executar caixa. Etapa 8: digite gpedit. msc no campo de pesquisa e pressione Enter . Isso abrirá a janela Editor de Política de Grupo .
Why do I not get GPEdit MSc in Windows 7?
A common problem is that even though you type precisely gpedit.msc, Windows 7 cannot find gpedit.msc. The most likely cause is that you have the Home Premium edition. It’s most disappointing that you only get gpedit.msc in the Ultimate, Professional (old Business) and Enterprise editions, and not in the Windows 7 Home Premium or Basic editions.
Where to find GPEdit in Windows 7 Group Policy Editor?
Windows 7 cannot find gpedit unless you append the .msc file extension. Other your problem launching the group policy editor could be a plain typo, you type gdedit.mcs or some other anagram of gpedit.msc.
What to do if you forget to type GPEdit.msc?
Note: Most people forget to type the .msc file extension, consequently nothing happens. When gpedit.msc appears in the search results, consider creating a shortcut by right-clicking and choosing either ‘Pin to Taskbar’, or ‘Pin to Start Menu’.