Como jogar de Elise JG 2021?


Como jogar de Elise JG 2021?

Como jogar de Elise JG 2021?

Como jogar de Elise Comece com W - Cria Volátil/Frenesi Aracnídeo para ter regeneração de vida e não perder muito HP logo de cara. Nível 2: Escolha Q - Neurotoxina/Mordida Venenosa e faça o buff do outro lado do mapa e mais um campo menor para atingir o Nível 3.

How to build Elise in League of Legends?

Skittering Frenzy: Elise and her Spiderlings passively gain 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% Attack Speed. On activation, the Attack Speed of Elise and her Spiderlings is increased by 60 / 70 / 80 / % for 3 seconds. Cocoon: Elise fires a web that stuns the first enemy hit for 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 2 seconds.

What are the pros and cons of Elise?

Introduction Elise Summary Video Pros n Cons tl;dr Pros n Cons advanced Abilities and their uses Rappel Interactions Utilizing Spiderlings Combos Tips n Tricks Laning Top Laning Mid Laning Bot/Supp Jungle Pathing Ganks, Towerdiving and Jungle Tips Mid Game Late Game Runes Summoners Builds Builds In-depth Items Ending Words Guide Updates

What is the ability of Elise in RuneScape?

Rappel: On enemy cast: Elise reveals nearby enemy targets, while she and her spiderlings lift up into the air, and then descend upon the target enemy. On ground cast: Elise reveals nearby enemy targets while she and her Spiderlings lift up into the air, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds.

What to do if Elise tries to kill you?

Trying to keep his passive from activating is pretty essential if you aim for a kill. If he tries to go in on you simply Cocoon, walk away and poke/Rappel until his spin ends and reengage on him with your spiderlings intact. If you get hit by a Q you may die then and there, depending.

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