How does Noob Saibot die?

How does Noob Saibot die?
He and Ermac team up to assault Sonya with repeated kicks and punches until Jax comes to her aid and kills Noob Saibot with a fatal punch that he lands offscreen.
Who is stronger scorpion or Noob Saibot?
-Scorpion is pretty much equal to Noob Saibot. -Resurrected Hanzo Hasashi defeats Noob Saibot.
Is Sub-Zero stronger than Noob Saibot?
Of course, in the games, that fight sends Sub-Zero to the Netherrealm, where he too grows stronger after becoming the shadow assassin Noob Saibot.
Why is Noob Saibot 2?
Noob was never two different people; they just omitted the Saibot portion of his name on lifebars, probably to save space (also, Noob Saibot-Smoke probably just sounded goofy). Noob's shadow servant is probably named Saibot for the sake of convenience during storyboard drawings.
Why is noob saibot evil?
The evil within his soul was released by stripping him of pride, compassion, and everything else that made him human. Reborn in the Netherrealm, Noob Saibot is the very incarnation of evil. He desires not only to remain in the Netherrealm, but to conquer and rule it.
Why is Noob Saibot evil?
The evil within his soul was released by stripping him of pride, compassion, and everything else that made him human. Reborn in the Netherrealm, Noob Saibot is the very incarnation of evil. He desires not only to remain in the Netherrealm, but to conquer and rule it.
Who killed Goro?
Exhausted from battle, Goro was struck from behind by Noob Saibot. He was mortally wounded, apparently dying from the injury, and Kitana held a royal funeral for the fallen Shokan prince.