Como criar seu próprio Kahoot?

Como criar seu próprio Kahoot?
Para criar um novo kahoot (jogo/quiz), você deve clicar na área sinalizada na imagem a seguir, “Crio”. Se aberta a página de opções de criação, clique em “new kahoot”, como demonstrado na imagem. Neste momento, você deve preencher as informações de sua questão que estará dentro de seu kahoot (quiz).
What can you do with Kahoot for free?
Sign up for free! Engaging group and distance learning for teachers and students. For training, e-learning, interactive presentations and more. Apps and games for family fun or home study. Join the kahoot of the week and compete against others from around the world! How does Kahoot! work?
How long does it take to make a Kahoot game?
Join the kahoot of the week and compete against others from around the world! How does Kahoot! work? It only takes minutes to create a learning game or trivia quiz on any topic, in any language. Host a live game with questions on a big screen or share a game with remote players. Game on!
How many people in the Fortune 500 use Kahoot?
97% of the Fortune 500 use Kahoot! “ (With Kahoot!) people pay more attention to the training, and that is the dream of any trainer!" “Introducing a topic, learning a concept, practicing a skill, or reviewing a lesson, while having fun, Kahoot! can do it all!"