Is 120 FPS really necessary?

Is 120 FPS really necessary?
A lot of people can tell the difference in high-paced games such as some FPS games. The human eye is capable of seeing much more than 76FPS. Not every individual can, but it's still common. So, no, 120Hz is not overkill for gaming.
Are there any PS5 games that support 120 fps?
All PS5 Games That Support 120 FPS In May 2021, PS5 hz – One of the most overlooked features of Sony’s super powerful PlayStation 5 consoles is that it can support games running at 120 FPS (or frames per second). So to broaden our total PS5 guide, we’ll be listing all PS5 games that support 120 frames per second below.
Is the PS5 compatible with 1080p monitors?
The PS5 in it’s current state seems to be having some compatibility issues with certain monitors. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War ( our analysis of 120fps mode) – Supports 120 FPS at 1080p – Note, the option may be grayed out even after enabling performance mode. As long as it says “enabled” you will be fine.
How do I enable 120 fps on my Xbox?
If you see green check marks like below, your TV supports 120 Hz (and 4K at 120 FPS on Xbox Series X). Back out of the 4K TV Details and select Refresh Rate under TV & Display Options. Select 120 Hz. Your screen will refresh and once you see the Xbox user interface you have successfully enabled 120 Hz on your Xbox Series X|S console.
Can a PSA monitor run at 120fps?
As a PSA, for those wondering the monitor DOES NOT need HDMI 2.1 support to be able to run titles at 120FPS. If your monitor does not have 2.1 HDMI support but can output 120fps and up, then the system should still be able to accept performance mode, though only at 1080P.