Is Thor stronger than Superman?

Is Thor stronger than Superman?
IS THOR OR SUPERMAN STRONGER? By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe.
What kind of magic does Juggernaut use on Superman?
Besides Kryptonite, Superman is vulnerable to magic, and it's the magic of the god Cyttorak that empowers Juggernaut. Every blow would hurt Superman, and eventually, Juggernaut would knock him out. David Harth has been reading comics for close to 30 years.
Can a juggernaut be faster than a bullet?
No. Classical Juggernaut has no aerial power. He's just big, tough and strong (this is the same weakness as the Hulk, by the way). Yes. Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, much much faster than human (or even most inhuman) reaction time. Some accounts have Superman competing with The Flash for speed (given certain limits on The Flash).
When was the last time Superman and Juggernaut met?
The only time the two have met was DC Vs Marvel #1 and Superman won that encounter. But that was over 20 years ago and in a DC comic. In those days Juggernaut was vulnerable to psycic attack and could actually be affected by physical attacks. But he has had a significant power uplift since his repowering by Cyttorak.
Is there any way to disable Juggernaut?
There are actually numerous ways that Superman could disable Juggernaut without harming him. Juggernaut has hit speedsters like Supes but he would probably be too slow to hit him easily and any blows would not do much harm at normal level of strength.