Can lawful Good lie?


Can lawful Good lie?

Can lawful Good lie?

A Lawful character can still lie, if it serves a greater purpose (Good or Evil, perhaps) and might be excused as an omission or obfuscation of truth. Interesting, a Chaotic character might have a lesser tendency to lie under interrogation.

What is lawful Good evil?

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Evil Lawful Good characters believe in upholding order and achieving good. Chaotic Evil despises order, hierarchy and traditions and does whatever they want to do, no matter the cost to other people. At their best, Chaotic Evil characters are unpredictable, selfish and heartless.

Is Bowser lawful evil?

Bowser is clearly evil, as he shows no care for Peach's well being, but he's lawful as he's a ruler and father himself, and will go to great lengths to specifically marry Peach to make it 'official'. Lawful Evil.

Can you be chaotic lawful?

Characters and creatures could be lawful and evil at the same time (such as a tyrant), or chaotic but good (such as Robin Hood).

Is Batman lawful good?

Generally speaking, Batman tries to bring order; hold the guilty to account. That's Lawful Good.

Are cats chaotic neutral?

Cats lack the capacity to choose sides in the cosmic struggle, nor can they influence it by their actions. Cats are Unaligned, like most beasts. Chaotic Neutral without a doubt.

Is Batman lawful or chaotic?

Chaotic good. He's a vigilante; he is NOT lawful. I'd say it makes sense that a lawful character might see taking up vigilantism to put away dangerous criminals as being the lesser of two evils and go for it.

Why is Thanos lawful evil?

MCU Thanos is Lawful Evil but leaning Lawful. His goals are Lawful- a balanced, more orderly universe- but his methods are very, very evil, not just the mass murder but also the abuse he heaps on his (kidnapped) daughters to make them better killing machines. Comic Thanos is more Chaotic Evil.

Is Thanos chaotic neutral?

His evil acts are not based around selfishness, in fact he sacrifices a great deal to accomplish his goals so he cannot be Neutral Evil. He is also not disorganized or impulsive, as he acts with intent and great planning which eliminates Chaotic Evil.

Is it true that not all lies are evil?

In fact, it seems likely that most people throughout history have held that not all falsehoods are morally evil. The issue has been debated intensely by moral theologians for well over 1500 years. Can a Lie Ever Be Necessary?

How are lawful good and lawful evil alike?

Lawful Good and Lawful Evil agree on one thing, that laws like codes and traditions should be upheld. However, they believe they should be upheld for very different reasons. For the Lawful Good person, it’s because they believe that societal norms are there to encourage Good in society and that’s generally how they use them.

Is it necessary to lie in a court of law?

Can a Lie Ever Be Necessary? Lying is held to be prohibited by the Eighth Commandment, but that commandment literally condemns only the bearing of false witness (as in a legal proceeding), so lying and other verbal sins are included by extension, through moral reasoning.

What do lawful evil characters value the most?

Lawful evil characters value the allegiances that they have with their cause, government, religion, or other organization. They also value those individuals that they call allies. Betraying a friend is just as much a transgression for the lawful evil as it is for the lawful good.

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